"How does it feel to turn?" She asked staring at him curiously.

Abellon furrowed his eyebrows and looked off into the distance. "We feel the transformation in our skin first. It's like a sort of burning sensation that seems to penetrate to our bones. From there, some bones would stretch while some would shrink. It would feel a bit as if the middle of our bones were heating up. There's some pain, I'm not going to lie, but it's there for only a minute before it's all over and you're in your other form. Your instincts would want to take over however with difficulty and much concentration, except for the older ones, you can hold on to your human self."

They sat quietly listening to the crickets begin to chirp before Abellon picked her up and sat her to the side then stood up. Rosaline looked up at him in confusion and he grinned.

"Would you like to see my other form?"

Her eyes widened when he asked and she bit her lip nervously. Her last experience with seeing Rhyvos's other form didn't turn out well and she knew that both father and sons form had to be the same.

"Uhh...I don't know."

A frown came onto Abel's lips before it was replaced with a small smile and he squatted in front of her taking her hand.
"This won't be like last time."
He leaned forward and kissed her lips before pulling her up to her feet. She stood there nervously as he went a little distance away.

He turned back around to her with a grin. "You can watch if you're really curious."

Rosaline raised a brow before her eyes widened as he began to strip off his clothes. She turned her head even though he said she didn't have to and the sound of Abellon grunting reached her ears and without thinking she turned to watch as he transformed into his other form. It was almost horrific to watch as his bones shifted and hair grew out through his body then he began to grow. She took a step back out of shock and didn't know whether to find horror out of what she was seeing or a certain kind of beauty in it. He looked no where near the Abellon she knew and a hint of fear spiked her veins for she didn't know what the creature that now stood in front of her would do. In the place of Abellon stood exactly what you would think a werewolf should look like and it looks just as how Rhyvos's looked. The beast was breathing heavily and it shook out its fur before sniffing at the air. Rosaline took another step back and it's head whipped around to look at her. She stopped and waited in bated breath as the beast came forward on all fours towards her and lifted its nose to her face sniffing before going lower and smelling around her body. She held still letting it do as it pleased before it moved back up to the area where her neck and shoulder met and nuzzled it before licking. She unconsciously shivered and brought her arm up and wiped her sleeve over the area. The beast stood in front of her with what she could only describe as a grin on its dark face.

Hesitantly she reached out and laid her hand upon the fur of its stomach, since it was the only area she could reach up to being that her head only came to his hips, and ran her fingers through it. The werewolf went back to all fours and brought its head to her chest where she brought both of her hands to rub the back of its neck. The fear she felt earlier was gone and she smiled as a sort of strange purr came from him as she rubbed his neck which was so big that she couldn't fit her arms around it even if she tried. The werewolf rubbed its head against her chest then used its neck as if it was trying to put its scent upon her and she laughed when it tried to use its body and she ended up on the ground. The thing huffed and flopped down beside her and laid its head on her stomach. She reached over and pulled its ear and it licked her hand.

'This is way better than the experience with Rhyvos's wolf.' She thought as she looked up to the sky to the several stars that were now showing as she ran her hands through the beasts fur listening to its purr.

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