Fragile Hearts: Thirty-Six

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Three Months Later

"Neji-nii have you seen my purse?" Hinata called from her bedroom.

"No, why would I have anything to do with your girly stuff?" Neji asked as he passed her room.

The pale girl deadpanned and turned to look at his moving figure. "Thanks for nothing," she muttered.

Hanabi laughed as she waltzed in with the missing purse. "Here it is, you left it in the living room last night."

Taking the navy blue purse from her younger sister Hinata smiled, "what would I do without you?"

Hanabi shrugged and sat on her bed to watch her older sister pack. "You'll come back to visit right?"

"Of course," Hinata responded ruffling her sister's hair. "It'll be like I never left."

The brown haired girl rolled her eyes playfully, "oh yay." They both giggled and Hinata closed her suitcase signifying that she was done packing. "I wish I could go," Hanabi pouted.

"It's just a wedding."

"I've never been to a wedding before."

"Trust me, you're not missing anything," Hinata replied.

The teenager pouted, "still..."

"Well I'm sure Neji-nii and Tenten have plans of getting married soon. You can attend their wedding for sure."

"Making plans are we Hinata?" Tenten asked as she entered the room.

"When are you planning on getting married?" Hanabi asked putting her sister on the spot.

Hinata froze and stared at her younger sister. The question had caught her off guard and had brought back memories that she wanted to forget. Tenten caught on quickly and intervened. "Uh Hanabi, could you go help Neji to get Nori ready? I'm sure he has no clue what he's doing."

"Okay," she said in a singsong tone and hopped off the bed. Skipping out of the room she went off to find her cousin.

"Are you okay?" Tenten asked placing a hand on Hinata's shoulder.

The Hyūga smiled slightly for a short while and looked around. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Tenten sighed and withdrew her hand, "I know what Hanabi said reminded you of—"

"Are you ready?"

Tenten stared at her in disbelief, seeing right through her façade. "Yeah." Hinata nodded and proceeded to look for her shoes.

Before any of them knew it, it was time to leave. "If you don't hurry up we'll be late," Neji said closing the trunk of the car.

"Would you let her say goodbye," Tenten muttered as she placed Nori in the baby seat of the car.

Hinata chuckled and turned to her sister that was still pouting. "Cheer up before you know it you'll be getting married."

Hanabi frowned, "no thanks."

The pale girl grinned and ruffled her sister's hair to annoy her. She then turned to her father and her smile shrunk. "Father."

Hiashi smiled and opened his arms, Hinata gladly accepted his embrace and listened as he spoke. "Be sure to take care of yourself."

"I will."

"Visit often too, the door is always open to you."

Hinata pulled back and smiled up at him. "I will Dad." Hiashi nodded before sending her off. The midnight blue haired girl waved one last time before entering the car.

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