Fragile Hearts: Seventeen

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Since their encounter at the amusement park, things took a turn for the best for both of them. They would go out more and Hinata finally allowed Naruto to pick her up after work most evenings. She hadn't seen the mysterious man that was allegedly following her that one night again to her relief and overall everything seemed normal.

"So I think I can come over early next month," Tenten said over the phone.

"You said that last month," the pale girl groaned while stirring the noodles in the pot. "Just tell me that you hate me and never want to see me again."

The brunette sighed and Hinata could tell that she also rolled her chocolate orbs. "It's...complicated and besides I just got assigned to a new case...this kid needs me Hina."

"Yes, but I also need you," the Hyūga replied removing the phone from her ear. She placed it on the counter and tapped the icon for loudspeaker.

"Last time I checked you could take care of yourself."

"That was then, this is now," she smiled while tipping on her toes to get a dish from the cupboard above. Tenten was silent on the other end, "come on Tenten, I haven't seen you in what? Two years."

"A lot changes in two years Hinata," she replied quietly.

The lavender eyed girl furrowed her eyebrows and began emptying the ramen she was making into the dish. "Is something wrong?"

"No, not at all."

"You know you can tell me anything Tenten."

She sighed, "trust me it's not that simple. You'd probably hate me if I did."

Hinata frowned and picked up the plastic cover for the container and placed it on it. "Okay, what's going on? And I could never hate you stood by me when my whole family-"

"Just...I'd rather show you then tell you." Tenten replied cutting her off.

"Fine, but make sure that you're here early next month," she said with an edge in her voice.

The brunette chuckled, "yes ma'am."

"And just for the record, I could never hate you."

"Yeah yeah, I know I'm too amazing for anyone to hate," she replied.

The Hyūga scoffed, "here we go again."

"Are you done?"

Hinata placed the last item in the bag she was packing, "yup." Her friend released a squeal which made her wince. "Tenten."

"What? Can't I just be happy for you? You're finally in love." She almost sang the last part.

The Hyūga frowned, "I wouldn't say I'm in love."

"Denial is the first stage."

She sighed and picked up her phone, "I'm leaving now Tenten. Take care."

"Okay," she replied. "I love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye mom." Hinata listened as Tenten laughed before hanging up. She pushed her phone into the pocket of her jeans and rushed to the bathroom to wash her hands. Her lavender eyes scanned over her features in the mirror over the face basin and she smiled, pleased with her appearance. Drying her hands she ran her fingers through her bang and shook her head watching her ponytail swing from side to side.

With a small smile Hinata grabbed her jacket from her bedroom and pulled it on during her walk back to the kitchen. She carefully picked up her blue and white dotted pattern nylon lunch bag from the kitchen counter and grabbed her house key on the way out.

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