Fragile Hearts: Twenty-Four

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"Where do you work again?"

Naruto smiled and smoothly parked his car in the parking lot. "At a car company," he said getting out of the car. He opened the door to the backseat and pulled out a bag, slinging the strap over his shoulder he closed the door.

"," Neji hummed looked around. He followed soundlessly behind the blonde, observing his surroundings.

"Good morning Mr. Uzumaki," the woman at the front desk greeted him with a smile. Naruto merely nodded and continued walking towards the elevator. On their way up, everyone that saw him greeted him politely and with respect, which made Neji come to the conclusion that he was someone important in the company.

"Shion," he said once they were on the top floor. The Hyūga stared at the blonde girl seated behind her desk with a blank expression.

"Mr. Uzumaki, good're late," she added.

Naruto scratched the side of his head, "yeah I had a more pressing issue to resolve," he replied glancing at Neji through the corners of his eyes. "Well this is Neji Hyūga, Hinata's cousin, he'll be staying with me for today."

The brown haired man watched as the blonde girl's facial expression changed from one of happiness to absolute dismay. Shion nodded and handed him a few sticky notes, "all the messages you got so far."

The Uzumaki smiled and took the papers, he then tapped his index finger on the desk as he left. They entered his office and Naruto placed his bag down on his desk. "Make yourself at home," he said with his arms outstretched.

"From my analysis, I see you're the boss around here," he said sitting on the couch close to the door. The blonde nodded and Neji arched his eyebrows, "nice...and you're in love with my cousin?"

"Yeah," he answered sitting in his seat.

"Have you told her?"

"I have, a few nights ago," Naruto replied looking around.

The brown haired man frowned, "let me guess, she hasn't responded yet."

"No," he said in a rather disappointed tone of voice. "But it's okay...I'll wait."

"For how long?"

The blonde made eye contact with him just then, "for as long as it takes."

Neji scoffed and folded his arms over his chest, staring at Naruto just then was like staring in the mirror. He remembered saying those exact words to himself almost three years ago...he was yet to regret his decision. But he wasn't sure if the Uzumaki knew what he had in store for himself by saying those words. Waiting gets boring after a while and eventually it will end, he just hoped that Hinata would make up her mind before his patience ran out.


"You seem a bit distracted," Shino said staring at his coworker.

Hinata quickly shook her head and straightened up in her seat, "I-I'm fine."

"Are you sure?" He asked trying not to pry.

She nodded and offered him a fake smile. Truly she was somewhat okay, it was simply her worrying about Naruto and Neji together at work and also her thinking about going home with him...was she ready?

She missed her younger sister and even her father. But it hurt to know that in the two to three years since she last saw him he never called to check up on her. It was always a cruel reminder that she had disappointed him and that he hadn't forgiven her.

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