Fragile Hearts: Thirteen

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Naruto sat staring at his phone for the longest time as he swirled his chair from side to side slowly.

"Expecting a call?" His friend, who was sitting before him, asked.

He placed the device down and scratched the back of his head, "I don't know."

"Idiot," the raven haired man muttered under his breath.

Naruto groaned and leaned back in his chair, "why are you here?"

Sasuke shrugged and pulled a bagel from the white paper bag on his lap. "I got bored and it's my lunch break."

"Don't you have someone else to spend it with, like, I don't know, your wife?"

"Usually I'd spend it with Hinata, but I decided to save her the trouble today." He explained leaning back in his seat.

The blonde perked up at the sound of her name. "Hinata?" The Uchiha nodded, "did you ever find out what happened that night at the party?"

Sasuke sighed, "no. Toneri gave the same story when I asked him again. Seems legit."

"Yeah...whatever," the Uzumaki said pulling his chair closer to his desk. He glanced at his phone again before opening the bottom left drawer of his desk.

"Call her."

"Why should I?" He asked pulling out a stapler.

"Because you like her."

"Who told you that?"


"Dammit," he hissed causing his friend to smirk. "I haven't spoken to her since Saturday night."

Sasuke laughed before responding, "it's only Monday. You'd think it's been two weeks."

Naruto banged his head on the desk and groaned, "I know. I just...want to know that she's okay."

"Why wouldn't she be?" The Uchiha asked arching an eyebrow.

"A man was following her after work on Saturday. I had to go get her."

The raven haired man's eyes widened as he almost choked on his food. "What? Why didn't any of you guys tell me?" Naruto shrugged and he sighed, "did you see him?"

"No and neither did she apparently."

Sasuke frowned as he thought to himself, "hmm. We've had a recent case of homicide, but I don't recall stalking being involved."

"Can we not talk about this? I'd rather not think about Hinata being stalked by a potential killer," he said dismissing the topic.

Sasuke sighed, "I'll look into it." Naruto merely nodded and checked the digital clock on his desk. "Presentation?"

"In ten minutes."

The Uchiha nodded and got to his feet, throwing the white paper bag that was on his lap on Naruto's desk he stuck his chin out at it. "I left one for you."

Naruto smirked and drew the bag towards him, glancing inside he smiled. "You're so kind," he said sarcastically.

Sasuke rolled his eyes and pulled on his hat. "Good luck."



"Call him."

"Why should I?" Hinata whined looking through a magazine.

"Because you like him," Tenten slurred on the other end of the phone.

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