Fragile Hearts: Thirty-Four

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"Took you long enough," Kiba muttered holding the door open for Hinata.

The Hyūga glared at him for a moment before entering the house. "Where is he?" She asked feeling a bit annoyed. It wasn't easy getting to the Inuzuka's house in the middle of the night, plus she was exhausted.

"In the living room," the brown haired man said gesturing down the hall. Hinata nodded and turned only to bump into a waiting dog.

"Akamaru," she smiled patting his head while he stared up at her cheerfully.

Kiba looked between the two and cleared his throat indicating that it wasn't the time. The pale girl got the message clearly and proceeded to walk down the hallway and into the kitchen.

On entering the first thing that caught her attention was the television that was on and then the long haired man sitting on the couch. "Father," she said quietly acknowledging his presence. He rose and began to approach her but she stepped back, his words had cut her deep.


"What are you doing here?" She asked looking away from his piercing, pale orbs. Hiashi glanced at Kiba who stood behind his daughter, silently asking him to leave. Understanding, the brown haired man nodded and excused himself to give them some privacy.

"Why weren't you answering your phone?"

"Don't change the subject," she retorted quietly, still not looking at him. Her voice was small and weak, just like her. It reflected how she felt at that moment, helpless, but still hopeful.

"I wanted to apologize," he said dropping his arms to his side. "Hinata I-I...I didn't know."

"Because you didn't ask," Hinata responded focusing on the ground. She couldn't bare to look at him, he was someone who she respected and loved, but in reality those feelings weren't mutual.

Hiashi sighed and gestured to her with his right hand. "I truly am sorry Hinata. For everything...if I had known then I wouldn't have said—"

"T-that still wasn't a good enough reason for you to say those stuff t-to me," she said. Hinata hated the fact that he wasn't really trying to apologize, he was merely trying to justify his actions.


"No father," she pleaded making eye contact. There was a moment of silence where they both just stared at each other. The pale girl shook her head and turned to leave, but her father's voice stopped her.

"Hinata," he said with conviction. "I won't let you walk out on me again."

She rolled tear filled eyes but didn't turn around to face him. "I-I don't think you can stop me."

"I want to make it right. Aren't you tired of fighting with your family?"

The only person I've ever fought with is you.

She thought on her way out of Kiba's house. Akamaru whimpered as she grabbed her coat and opened the door, but she simply couldn't stay. Her father had only added to her stress and she couldn't think of him at that moment. Really, she had no idea why she even went to see him, he only made her more upset. She was alone and struggling to pick up the pieces of both her and Naruto's was becoming too much for her.

Sighing the Hyūga got on the first bus that she saw and went back to Naruto's house. Sleep was the last thing on her mind and she had somewhere to be at day break. Hopefully she'd be able to complete her job...but she had a feeling that it wasn't going to be easy.

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