Fragile Hearts: Thirty

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The blonde turned in her seat at the sound of her name. "U-uh yes Mr. Uzumaki?"

"Can I have a record of all my meetings on the day Hinata came here with a dog?" He asked not remembering the date clearly.

"Um..." She hesitated, "may I ask why?"

"Something went missing from my office on that day," Naruto replied.

She nodded and started going through the book on her desk. "Hmm all you had was a board meeting earlier in the day. Besides that, the only person you met with was Miss Hyūga."

"Are you sure?" He asked frowning.

She nodded, "maybe she—"

"Don't even go there," he interjected, cutting her off. "Hinata is the last person I'd suspect."

The pastel blonde frowned and looked away, her fingers fiddling with the pages of her notebook. "I'm sorry."

"Cancel all my meetings for today."

"But Mr. Nara—"

Naruto walked away as soon as she started speaking, he didn't feel the need to repeat himself and neither was he in the mood to. He entered the elevator and pressed the button that would take him to the ground floor. He had some thinking to do.


"Hinata are you sure you're making the right decision?"

The pale girl frowned and continued to remove her luggage from the trunk of the car. "For the last time, yes."

Tenten furrowed her eyebrows and used her elbow to nudge Neji, "what?" He hissed.

"Do something," the brunette whisper yelled and gestured to the midnight blue haired girl who was busy unloading.

"Like what?" He asked looking down at her.

Tenten frowned, "I don't know, just...try!"

He sighed and walked towards his cousin, "you don't want to do this." The sound of people talking around them seemed to get louder, "Hinata—"

"I'm not staying somewhere I'm not wanted Neji-nii..." She slung the strap of one of her bags over her shoulder. "I-I'm nothing but a disappointment to father."

"He didn't mean what he said."

"Yes he did and you know it," she shot back. There was the sound of a train coming to a stop and an announcement. Hinata looked behind her then back at her cousin, "I've got to go."


"It's okay Tenten," Neji said cutting her off. "Let her go."

The pale girl smiled, appreciating his cooperation, "you two take care and t-tell Nori I said goodbye...I wish I could have stayed longer."

Tenten nodded, "okay. You take care too...I'll see you soon?"

Hinata shrugged, "maybe." Then they both smiled knowingly at each other. They said their goodbyes and Neji and Tenten watched as the Hyūga disappeared in the sea of moving bodies that were in the train station. Once she was out of sight they both left feeling the same; sad and disappointed.

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