Fragile Hearts: Fifteen

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"Okay, up we go," Sakura said barging into Naruto's office.

The blonde groaned and turned his chair around to face the glass window. "Leave me alone Sakura."

The pinkette sighed and rolled her eyes, placing both hands on her hips she cocked her head to the side. "How long?"

He furrowed his eyebrows, "what?"

"How long will you continue sulking like this?" She asked approaching him, placing her handbag down on one of the chairs in front of his desk she walked around to face him.

"I'm not sulking," he replied averting his eyes.

She scoffed and folded her arms over her chest. "Yeah right. It's been two weeks Naruto!"

"Don't you think I know that?" He snapped meeting her gaze.

"Have you tried calling her?"

"She won't take my calls."

Sakura frowned, "visiting her?"

"She won't see me."

"My God what did you do to her?" She asked surprised that Hinata had cut him off completely.

Naruto sighed and sat up, "look Sakura...I don't want to talk about it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have work to do."

The jade green eyed woman deadpanned, "pushing everyone away isn't the answer Naruto."

"I'm not—"

"For once I agree with her," came from the door. Two pairs of eyes landed on the pale man that had just entered.

The Uzumaki rolled his blue eyes and turned to face him. "Do you people ever knock?"

"Hey, I come in peace," Sai said holding both his hands up in surrender.

"Yet you're agreeing with Sakura?" Naruto narrowed his eyes and glanced between the both of them.

Sakura smiled, "because I'm right."

Sai winced and glanced at her, "yeah I wouldn't go that far." She gasped but he ignored her, "you've been sulking for the longest time."

"Just because I'm not all smiles, doesn't mean I'm sulking." He retorted flipping through his schedule.

The pale man rolled his eyes, "anyway, there's a reason why I came here."

"Besides backing up Sakura?"

"If that were the case then I wouldn't be here," he said pushing both hands into his pants pockets. "There's a launch coming up, we're invited."

At that Naruto perked up, "what company? When?"

"Our biggest competitor right now, Divino Motors, they're putting their new line of cars on display a few weeks from now." He said spearing Naruto the details.

The blonde frowned and looked around his office, "we need to schedule our launch as well."

"Yeah and rumor has it that Divino's new line of cars are pretty impressive."

"We can't let them get ahead of us."

"Well we've finished manufacturing a few prototypes, but they still need to be test driven." Sai replied.

"What? Why didn't anyone tell me?" He asked surprised, if he had known then he wouldn't taken the time out to schedule a test run.

Sai frowned, "we did earlier this week. Shikamaru even delivered the markups to you himself." The Uzumaki furrowed his eyebrows and began searching through the piles of files on his overcrowded desk. It wasn't long before he stumbled across the information Sai was talking about. He groaned and mentally scolded himself, he was so caught up with his problems with Hinata that he was neglecting his job.

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