Fragile Hearts: Nineteen

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Hinata listened to the car horn blowing downstairs and ran to the window in her bedroom. Pulling back the curtain she caught sight of a red car which she assumed was Sakura's. A small smile grew on her lips as she closed the window and pulled on her black flats. It was Thursday and as promised she was going wedding shopping with her friend. Shino didn't have a problem covering for her for the day, which she was extremely grateful for.

The Hyūga caught her hair at the nape of her neck, just to keep it from blowing into her face, as she descended the stairs. Since the week started the elevator was out of use and although Yamato was notified, it was still not fixed yet. Once she was downstairs her hands tightened around the strap of her bag that was slung across her body. She felt happy and a bit adventurous that day for some reason.

"She's here!" She heard coming from Sakura's blonde friend who was in the front seat.

"Woo!" Sakura exclaimed waving at her as she approached her car. The pale girl simply rolled her eyes playfully and opened the door to the backseat.

"Hi," she squeaked on entering.

The blonde turned in her seat in order to face her, "you remember me, right Hinata?"

She nodded in response, "of course Ino-san."

Ino smiled, "no need to be so formal, it's just Ino."

"That's Hinata for you," Sakura piped in as she focused on getting onto the main road. Hinata blushed and Ino offered her one last smile before turning around to face the road. "So Hinata, I heard you had dinner with Naruto and his godfather the other day. How'd it-?"

"You met his godfather?" The blonde asked cutting her off.

The pale girl who was focused on putting on her seatbelt nodded. "Yeah, it was great really. Mr. Jiraiya is a nice person."

"I wouldn't use nice to describe him," the pinkette muttered causing her best friend to pinch her arm. "Hey! That hurts!"

"Good," she huffed. "It's good that you're getting closer to Naruto though."

The Hyūga arched an eyebrow, "why?"

"Because he could use someone like you in his life. I can't remember the last time he even dated anyone," Ino spoke up looking out the window. Sakura glanced at her through the corners of her eyes when she spoke, unsure if Hinata was ready to know that Naruto was infatuated with her at one point in his life.

"O-oh okay," Hinata responded.

"So are you ready for today?" The jade green eyed girl asked as they turned left.

"As I'll ever be," she replied fiddling with the end of her blouse.

Ino glanced at her best friend just then, "if anyone should be nervous, it's you. You're the one getting married."

"Surprisingly I'm not nervous at all," she replied.

"We'll see on your big day," the blonde commented with a mischievous smile.

Sakura chuckled, "well that's why I have bridesmaids, to help me on that day."

"Right, you have no need to worry Sakura-chan," Hinata smiled.

The Yamanaka scoffed, "you guys better be this supportive on my wedding day."

"Sai proposed?" The pinkette gaped trying to focus on the road.

"What? No," Ino answered with a frown. "I was just saying that if and when I eventually get married-"

"You got us excited for nothing," she deadpanned.

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