Fragile Hearts: Twenty-Two

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Hinata didn't have an answer to Naruto's confession and he didn't push her. He only wanted her to know how he felt about her, he knew that she'd respond in her own time. They still spent time together, even more now that there were no secrets between them. Currently they were at Naruto's house watching movies.

"Popcorn's ready," Naruto said entering the living room. He plopped down beside her on the couch and handed her the bowl.

"Pizza is better," she mumbled getting a handful.

The blonde smirked, "yeah, but you lost." He said referring to the rock-paper-scissors challenge they had earlier, which she lost even after demanding a redo.

"Don't remind me," she pouted before stuffing her face, ever eyes never leaving the television. Naruto smiled and shook his head, reaching out he started eating while watching the movie. "What are we watching?" He asked since Hinata was in charge of picking the movie.

"Sinister," Hinata answered watching as Naruto's expression changed. "What?"

"I forgot that you like thrillers..."

"Problem?" He shook his head in response. From there on they watched the movie in silence, occasionally taking mouthfuls of popcorn. They sat in comfortable silence, both enjoying the feel of the other next to them. Nearing the end of the movie Hinata kept glancing at her phone.

The blonde noticed and spoke up, "expecting a call?"

She shrugged, "I texted Tamaki...I was just checking to see if she replied."

"She's still not talking to you?" He asked surprised.

The Hyūga shook her head and frowned, "no and I don't know why."

Naruto furrowed his eyebrows and grimaced, "maybe she's going through some personal problems...?"

"Maybe...but Kiba-kun said she's fine at work and she talks to him so...I don't know."

"Stop beating yourself up over it, okay?" He said ruffling her hair.

"Easier said than done," she mumbled looking down at the empty bowl. With a sigh she placed it on the coffee table in front of them. Naruto picked up the remote and switched off the television, "hey, I was watching that."

"No you weren't," Naruto deadpanned, he could see right through her lies. She folded her legs in the couch and looked at him, waiting for him to do something. "Yes?"

"Well...w-what are we to do now?"

He shrugged, "I don't know. Talk?" Just then Kurama came running in, he jumped onto the armchair adjacent to theirs and laid down, preparing to sleep. Hinata simply smiled, "it's his new spot," Naruto explained as they both watched him.

"I made the right choice giving him to you." The whiskered face man nodded and switched his position so that his head was resting on her lap and his legs were thrown over the armrest of the couch. "What are you doing?"

"Going to sleep," he replied closing his eyes.

Hinata's eyes widened and she poked the side of his head, "you can't."

"How was your day?" He asked without opening his eyes.

"Okay, I swear Shino wants me to quit," she said narrowing her eyes which made him chuckle. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing...I used to sit like this with my mom," he said out of the blue.

Hinata froze, "o-oh."

Tapping his fingers against his stomach Naruto opened his eyes, "she'd ask me how was my day at school and we'd talk for a while, until dad came home."

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