Chapter 42: Ears I Never Had

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Breslin's POV
Late June 2017
A month later....

"Alright Mr. Carter, that's 100 hours. I wish everybody finished their community service as quickly as you." My probation officer, Mr. Rodgers said as I turned in my slip completing what to me is easy work. Volunteering at group homes and hospitals really made me happy and got my mind off all the shit that happened Freshman year.

I got community service and two years probation for something I don't regret at all. I'm happy I didn't have a misdemeanor or felony though, thanks to Ryan and Blake. I could have gotten 25 years, but they fought hard for me - for once, and I was thankful. We've been talking more and I met my other siblings, and I have too much of a heart to hold grudges against kids.

Yes, I lost my Presidential scholarship for sophomore year at UCLA due to contractual reasons which I understood. However, I'd be right back at it for Junior year and all the UCLA administrators understood. Yes, I couldn't travel outside of California for two years, but I didn't care. And yes, I was reminded of what it was like to have other people control your life, but none of that mattered.

The past four weeks I've just been thinking and feeling guilty. If I would have just choked Xavier, or knocked him out, or something, Mackenzie would never gotten shot and my-, my son or daughter would be still growing inside the girl I want to spend the rest of my life with. People might think I'm too young to think that, but I know she's the girl for me.

Even though, I've been acting distant since our day in court...

I felt responsible for the situation and how I couldn't be there for Kenz when she was in the hospital. She got the news alone and I'm happy she had support there, but I should have been there. I should have even noticed that she was pregnant being that she was feeling tired lately, but chalked it up to work and stress.

Until last night after the Lue's wedding, we hadn't been intimate or showed each other affection since Lovie originally got taken and we were on that week break. I renewed my lease with Ant and Mack was staying with us temporarily while she was looking for a new place. She turned down the OVO internship due to not feeling emotionally healthy. I guess plans of us moving together was still a no-go though, but my Mom told me to give her space.

We slept in the same house, but felt like we were both walking on eggshells around each other. We never talked about the baby or her experience with Xavier. We just tried carrying on like nothing happened, but it wasn't working. I'd hear her crying in the shower alone or saw the fake look when she said "I'm fine". It wasn't going to help either that last night Ant told me that Ty was pregnant and afraid to tell everybody. Our friends were holding back their joy because we were depressed.

However, last night I got a little hope for me and my baby. Something to let me know everything was going to be ok and Ms. Mackenzie Young would one day be Mrs. Mackenzie Carter......

(FLASHBACK - Last Night)
Los Angeles, CA
Getty Museum

"Presenting Mr. And Mrs. Tyronn Lue!" The DJ said as Ms. MaKayla and Tyronn exited onto the Getty Museum balcony. Of course, it was an extravagant wedding that was beautiful and had to cost at least half a million. The Cleveland Cavaliers were there as well as other prestigious figures in the NBA and in the sports world. I was in awe at the fact I was having invited to an event where I was having dinner across from LeBron James and Stephen A. Smith.

"Bro, literally, best night of my life. Remind me to tell you something later man." He was sitting next to me cheesing at the reception and I swear him and Ty were attached the hip lately. The rest of the crew was invited as well. Ms. MaKayla really made a 360, especially with her and Kenz's relationship. The woman I felt met was now more open-minded, supportive, and actually quite funny. Her and my Mom were comedy together. An AKA and a Delta would always be cordial and catty.

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