Chapter 13: Cracking Shells

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I woke up the next day, I expected to see Breslin in the bed next to me, but instead I saw a clean, made bed and also his and Ant's clothes nowhere near in sight. I was scared until I heard the loud cackle of Sparkle followed by Ty yelling something in Spanish. I checked my phone and saw I had those same messages from last night from my Mom and also a couple from Breslin.

Mom 🙄: Saw your Halloween outfit from your cousin off that gram thing, you look like you're putting on weight.
Mom 🙄: Your yoga class isn't cutting it, I signed you up for the Mayweather gym, paid for, your welcome.
Mom 🙄: Can't wait to see you for winter break pumpkin 🎃 !

I rolled my eyes and almost cried. The one woman who is supposed to be your main cheerleader was always my main critic. Mackenzie, that's not ladylike...Why do you have to be such a tomboy?...You look a mess....You need to put that pizza down.....Your teeth, ugh I did pay for braces for this.... I still wear a retainer to this day. My Mom will never compliment me I swear. I roll my eyes again before opening Breslin's messages.

Bres 😘👂🏽: Question 4: Do you want to watch scary movies at my house tonight? Let me know
Bres 😘👂🏽:  Sorry love, I wasn't there to wake you up. Had a Presidential meeting, on this needed Sunday & the boys had a surprise practice so we headed back early. Idk if you look more beautiful awake or sleep

I feel warm on the inside but also nervous for various reasons. Breslin was just too smooth. I really enjoyed myself last night with him. He's smart, sensitive, funny, and respectful. I allowed myself to sleep in a room with him, even though I wanted to jump on him as soon as I saw those abs. He thinks I'm beautiful and intelligent, but so did Xavier in the beginning. Which reminded me, I looked at my blocked voicemail messages and saw that I had over twenty from Don't Answer 🚫 . Curiosity and stupidity made me listen to a couple...

Don't Answer 🚫: Babygirl, why you doing this to me? Please just answer one of my messages, please? Call me back please....
Don't Answer 🚫: You're supposed to be at Spelman while I'm at Morehouse Mack. We supposed to be legacies running things and you just ran away from me babe.....
Don't Answer 🚫: Bitch! Who the fuck are you not to answer my calls Mackenzie? You mine girl! You better call me the fuck back, stupid little-

I cut the voicemail short before I could hear anymore. I understand now why they say curiosity killed the cat. I just had minor flashbacks of everything Xavier did behind closed doors, but expected us to be the perfect couple in public. My Dad knew something was up though, but I used to to lie and say I was ok while making sure I got real good at doing my foundation. My face, my neck, my back, and a lot of other places. I barely started wearing crop tops again because of the bruises. Xavier was nothing but my bully who I hated and was glad there was enough distance between us.

Breslin could be another Xavier, but I can't assume that, right? He makes me feel so special. I can't be scared forever. I've been giving Breslin the hardest time yet he's still here and around. He looks at me like I'm the only girl he has eyes for. I should go after what I want, for once. My Mom and Xavier don't run me....anymore.

I text him back saying, "Yes, and my question four is, did you forget I told you I hate scary movies?" I chuckled before getting out the bed and shrugging out the large T-shit Breslin gave me. I brought my phone with me and entered the living room to see Sparkle and Ty. I try to cover up my mood brought on by my Mom and Xavier, by making fun of Ty. "So Ty, question of the day, how hard exactly is a turtle's shell?"

She flipped me the bird while giggling like a toddler, "Oh shut up, turtles are indeed slow, but very very steady". She stuck out her tongue before laughing again. This is like the best mood I have ever saw her in.

Ears I Never Had (BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن