Chapter 14: Hunger Pains

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Three weeks later....
Los Angeles, CA

Since that night in the fort at Breslin's, we've been somewhat inseparable and started accomplishing items off "The List". If we weren't hanging out, it was because of our work or classes. It was also due to the new couple, the McGregors, who were borderline disgusting. I thought Dom and Sparkle did a lot with PDA, Ty and Ant were worse. They were still the same though, arguing one minute, then tonguing each other down the next.

Other then that, Breslin and I were usually together now. We had been to another beach, a couple of scenic hiking trails, and the cluster of museums in Los Angeles in these past weeks. The Griffith Park Observatory was my new favorite spot, you could basically see all of LA over the hill. Breslin was such a spontaneous person that brought such excitement and laughter to my routine life. I could say I want to go to Barnes and Noble and he'd pick a random semi-far one and drive to it, just because he wanted to spend a long drive talking, well listening to me.

Also, over the past two weeks, I shared ALOT with Breslin. Typically, after I got off or he was done doing business, we'd link up and we'd just simply talk. Last week, we were hanging out when my Mom called stating the family was going to New York for Thanksgiving and emailed my plane ticket. Why? Why can't we be normal and just cook at someone's house? Oh that's right, we're not normal....

I was seriously considering the thought of staying here and having Thanksgiving with Sparkle's family since she invited me. Since Oakland was six hours away, Breslin and Ant were staying for Thanksgiving and going home for winter break. Dom would be here too being that his family was back home in New York. Ty was going home to Long Beach and dragging a nervous Ant along with to meet the family. So, I'd feel more welcome at Sparkle's Grandma house full of strangers and a handful of friends than my whole family in a huge city.

Anyways, that same day, I unloaded to Breslin more in-depth about my family and my relationship with my Mom. That was a big step for me, but as always he was there listening and not judging. We haven't touched the subject of my past relationship since that "fort" night. Whenever my Mom would make negative comments my way, he'd just shower me with positivity. He had a way of making me feel powerful and like everything was alright.

My insecurities were being replaced with more confidence as time went on. I was really starting to love my kinky, curly, coily hair, my thickness, and my unique features. Everyone noticed it, from Breslin to the crew, to my coworkers, and even my professors. Professor Cole said my writing has actually improved, if that was even possible.

Everything was going well, especially because for once I was doing what I wanted. Since I've been working, I've been saving so I could buy a Canon 70D for my YouTube channel and blog, MackinNHangin. Today was the first day of Thanksgiving break and I was recording my first videos.

Breslin (and the crew) finally persuaded to do something I wanted, even if it was just for fun. I was actually pretty excited about it. I wanted to help girls with all levels of self-esteem feel more confident and just the basics, something I was still working on myself.

Just like I'm working on getting this stupid thing to work. You'd think it came with a photographer as much as it cost. I finally got it setup and on the tripod before I shot my first two videos; one was 50 random facts about me and the second, I did a quick deep conditioning informational/tutorial. This is actually harder than it looks, but no turning back now. I started at ten this morning & here it is approaching two and I'm just now uploading them after cutting and editing on Final Cut Pro. I uploaded the videos to process and I felt such a sense of accomplishment.

I turned on the TV, plopped down on my bed, and checked my phone and saw I had a couple messages from the usual suspects.

Ty: Bih, guess what? Sparkle is moving in with Dom, so she said I can have her place! Finally!

Ears I Never Had (BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن