Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares

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(Breslin's POV)

I did what I did best....I ran......

I couldn't control the situation nor immediately fix it so I ran. I ignored everybody, from my family to my bros, and I took off. To where? I don't even know....

I been driving around for three hours now in an area of Santa Monica I knew, but I feel lost. I feel dead. I also feel partially to blame; this whole time I been looking at Kyree throughly, and it's the dude smiling in my face lurking. Kyree has no affiliation with Xavier bitch ass, but a common last name. I knew my bro wouldn't do me like that and besides he loves Courtney. I feel responsible because I knew Kenz should have moved in with me and none of this would have happened.

I pulled up to a familiar house and instantly regretted it when I turned off my car. "What the fuck am I doing here?", I say to myself.

I breathe out, lock my door, and walk up to the front door of the house. I ring the doorbell and shortly I hear a set of steps approach. It opens, and this time a little boy around the age of 6 opens the door, looking like me. Wow, so I do have a brother....

Of course he's on an iPad playing a game not paying attention. They just let anybody answer here I swear. "Yea?"

"Yea kid, are your parents home? Tell them a mistake is at the door". He gave me a frightened face, meaning I must have scared him with my tone. He immediately scurried off to only return with the man who gave me that title.

"Didn't I tell you to leave us the fuck alone?", he came charging towards me. This motherfucker has no right to be angry.

"Man, if you want to fight I been ready since Day 1 literally when y'all gave me away!"

"Leave before I call the cops". He said as my biological mother came out the house with three yes, three children in the doorway looking. Wow, I'd never claim these three siblings, I had three amazing ones already and I was missing one terribly.

"Man call them! So everyone can know the best Los Angeles District Attorney doesn't really have his picture perfect family. Now, my fucking sister and girlfriend are missing and I need your fucking help!"

"Oh of course, you come asking for a handout". I wanted to put my hands on him, but if I'm going go to jail for anybody, it's going be Xavier.

"I've never asked you or needed shit from you a day in my life! I got through life without you and you don't know half of the shit I been through! Man, I don't even know why I came here....."

I began walking away feeling stupid trying to do things the legal way and find out how long this bitch nigga Xavier could get in prison. If I didn't kill him, I needed a damn good attorney being that his family was full of some of the best lawyers in the South. I needed someone that wasn't going to allow him off; he got away with rape, he's not getting away with anything this time. I shudder thinking what they're possibly going through.

Just then I heard, "Wait!" It was Blake, the woman who had my same golden eyes. "We'll help you".

"Blake!" He said in objection.

"Ry, you are wrong! How can you look at him and not feel anything?! He's our son!" The look on his face was shock and still anger. She turned to me and already had tears rolling down her eyes, "I got pregnant my sophomore year at UCLA and I found out when I was four months so, I had to continue on. We were only 19 and had future law and grad school on the brain. We-we weren't ready to take care of a child".

"So instead of being responsible adults, you gave me to a fucked up system to continue being kids". That hurt them and I can tell by the guilty look on their favces and to be honest, I didn't care no more. "It's cool yo. I don't need your help, I never have". I walked back to my car, but not before stopping to walk back and I punched the dude I was supposed to call "Dad" square in the jaw. "Oops, sorry, it was a mistake". And now, I had one hand punching from glass and one recovering from punching a glass jaw.

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