Chapter 24: Meet the Carters Part Two

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December 24th, 2016
Oakland, CA

"Awww man thanks Ma, that was great. I haven't had a real breakfast in a while". I scoffed while looking at Breslin who was sitting right next to me. "I'm just playing babe, nobody can make Pop Tarts like you". I slapped his chest as his family erupted in laughter. Ok, maybe I couldn't make pancakes nor grits, but I did ok in the cooking department.

We were all in the dining room eating,and as much as I was thrown off that his family was black, at the end of the day they were people. And something about the Carters I was learning was that they were hilarious and loving. Well technically, Lori and Zerin were Williams', but they were still Carters. Zerin helped me out a lot when I got hit with random questions. And although, Sabrina was giving me a somewhat hard time, she was warming up to me. During breakfast, Breslin and his family caught up and also gave me a mini interview process, mainly from Brina and Ms. Syd.

"Alright y'all, I'm about go pick up Lovie from the airport". Mr. Law was truly a comedian and you could see the love radiating between him and Ms. Syd. He kissed him wife, got up from the table and left to go pick up the last Carter.

"Ok well, these dishes aren't going to wash themselves, and I got to get started on dinner for tonight". Oh my God, more food? Ms. Syd got up as well before the women started migrating to the kitchen with the bowls and plates. I followed suit because I knew it would be bad if I didn't help. Breslin and Zerin apparently went outside to go see Duke, the family dog. You could hear from the background the excitement of their reunion.

"Awww Dukie is so happy! He was all depressed when Bres left". Lori said as she began covering the leftovers.

"I hate that damn dog! Just drools everywhere. He only likes Breslin, hated it since y'all got it for his 9th birthday". Brina said while helping Lori.

I felt comfortable enough to talk to them so I asked, "What was Breslin like growing up?" All their heads shot my way.

"Breslin was bad as fuck!" Brina exclaimed.

"If you don't watch your mouth, I can still beat your ass too." Ms. Syd turned to me. "Now, my Pud was a little rough around the edges, but he's ok".

"Rough around the edges? He used to fight all the damn time when he was in middle school and high school. House phone used to stay ringing. He really didn't call down until-" Ms. Syd stopped Brina by hitting her with a dry towel. Brina just rolled her eyes.

I was surprised because fighting was so out of his character. "Really? I've never seen him even get into an argument with anyone". They all gave me facial expressions of equal surprise. I mean ok he can loose his temper a bit with me, but it was kind of cute.

"Well, I'm glad. He seems really happy for once. I guess Mackenzie here has something to do with that". Lori winked at me and I feel like she really likes me. She has a certain glow and air about her. I just grinned from her comment.

"Are you and my baby having sex?" Ms. Syd interjected.

I opened my eyes widely, "Uhm uh, no m'am. We're uh waiting".

She gave me a smile, "It's ok child. Those hips you have I thought y'all were getting busy. I know my baby is a man and you not ugly". I know that was a compliment because her sense of humor was upfront. She would make my Mother cry.

"Ahhhh Ma, that's my little brother. I remember when Breslin wouldn't talk to girls, now he has a girlfriend".

"I'm just happy she's black. When I saw y'all on Instagram, I was like yes Lovie owes me $20". Brina said and I looked at her in a peculiar way.

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