Chapter 18: Now All This

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The smell of Breslin surrounded me as I realized I woke up in my boyfriend's bed. My boyfriend, I like the sound of that. I'm re-living everything about last night and it was perfect from start to finish. I loved my life in California, and to be honest now that I felt betrayed by Yamonie, there was no need to go back home. There's no excuse why she should be even 10 feet near him. I rolled over to find Breslin not there, glanced at the clock resting on the nightstand and saw it was 9 am. I did however smell breakfast being made so, I knew he was here.

I plugged up my phone which was dead and slipped on the t-shirt I never put on from last night and some of his boxers before I crept into the kitchen to see...Sparkle and Ty?! "Uhm hey guys, what are you doing here?" I was suddenly a little self conscious being that I was in Breslin's shirt, but then I didn't care; they were my girls. Ty was cooking some pancakes, hash browns and bacon while Sparkle was picking at her nails.

"The boys went to 24 to go play some basketball at fucking 7:30 in the morning. Dom said he was coming here and I knew you'd be here, Mrs. Carter." I grinned super big while I got the condiments out for breakfast.

"Yea, Ant and I got here at like 3 in the morning and y'all were passed out, so I know it was a good night". She winked at me and resumed cooking. Being that I felt like Sparks and Ty were my true best friends now and besides our boyfriends were best friends.

"Well actually, Breslin and I haven't had sex yet. We're not exactly rushing either." Breslin and I weren't virgins, but we were taking things slowly and when it happened, it happened. I enjoyed what we were doing for now.

"B going crave some chocolate sooner or later". I rolled my eyes playfully and saw my phone finally cut on. I had 3 missed calls and messages from my Mom and a couple of messages since my phone died last night, including a random 404 Atlanta area code.

Mom 🙄: First you want to do a YouTube channel, whatever, then you're THINKING about changing your major?
Mom 🙄: But now you're dating a WHITE BOY? Remove him and that picture. Yamonie showed me!
Mom 🙄: Really? Are you mad at me? What did I raise you to be? A BLACK WOMAN!
Mom 🙄: I'm coming out there ! Because we ARE GOING TO TALK! I can't even deal with you right now? Are you trying to have two parents die of a heart attack?!

How dare she? How fucking dare she? Oh, now she wants to bring up my father? Her husband? Since when? I'm not five years old, she'll be coming out here getting her feelings hurt. And Yamonie showed her?! Are you fucking serious?! I instantly called Yamonie only to go to voicemail. I redialed, same thing. Did she block me? I went to Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, etc. and everything gone or blocked.

I was seething. I went on to check a message from Breslin saying he'd be back, my boss, and the random number.

+404-555-1982: Really Mackenzie? Did I allow you to move on? And a fucking white boy at that? That nigga will never be, I'll make sure of that....

What the fuck is going on?

Just as I read this message, the boys came into the apartment. I quickly shuffled to the room to put on some sweats and stopped my mini panic attack before returning as Breslin made his sweaty self over to me. He pecked my forehead before noticing slight tension in my face. "You ok babe?"

I attempt to play it off, "No, you're all funky and sweaty". Ty agreed.

"Ditto over here, overpowering the onions in these hash browns". Ty said as Ant rubbed the funk on her.

"Y'all weak. I love my mans' scent." Sparkle was all up in Dom's armpit and we were honestly grossed out.

Ty finished cooking and served us all. I was eating next to Breslin, but I felt out of my body at the moment. Just 12 hours ago, I having the time of my life, now this. I felt like I needed a Xanax, but I wasn't  trying to become dependent on meds or trigger my anxiety more. My best friend, well ex best friend, really wronged me.

Ears I Never Had (BWWM)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن