Chapter 29: Unexpected Guests

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That next afternoon....

"Babe, can you go to Target and get me some more Gatorade please? I'm dying over here". I huffed because even though Breslin enjoyed his birthday, the aftermath was too much. He was severely hungover still and we went back to my house so I could take care of the big baby.

"Really Bres? I asked you if you wanted anything on the drive over here".

"C'mon Booga Shugga, I'd do it for you. Man, last month I went and got you tampons, and I don't feel good fuck!"

I rolled my eyes because he did look sick in the face. "Fine, now is there anything else you need?"

"Some fruit snacks and if you maybe could possibly just- go to In-n-Out for me, please babe, I need something on my stomach. My wallet in my jacket babe". I threw up my hands and gave him what he wanted and got Breslin's wallet and debit card. I knew his numbers and he knew mine.

"Ugh, you get on my nerves!" I grabbed my windbreaker, purse, phone and keys before telling him I'd be back. I checked my phone which pretty much was going crazy since last night. All the Snaps I recorded, pictures tagged and posted made me now, a super popular face in LA community. I was practically as well known as Sparkle and Breslin now, especially on and by campus. I said hey to Rock as I left down the street to our local Target.

I went and got Breslin a 6-pack of his favorite Gatorade, the gross lemon-lime flavor and some cough drops because I knew his throat was raw too. I got some things for myself as well because with Target, you never walk out with what you just came for. I hopped back in my car and went to the In-n-Out by campus; the line is always packed. I was going be in this line at least 20 minutes.

I finally order and pay when Breslin texted me.

Bres 😘👂🏽: Kenz, where the fuck are you?

No the fuck he is not rushing me. I know it was his birthday and coming owt, but he should learn from this lesson with his hungover ass. I drove up to the second window and get our food before heading back to my studio. I didn't bother to reply because I was literally five minutes away now.

I pull back up to my place, parked, grabbed all the bags and was about to give Breslin an earful about patience. I opened my gate and ran into Phil who looked at me, "Hey, Ms. Young. Wow, y'all could be twins". I scrunched up my face at him before he was called via radio. "See you later, enjoy your day". He headed off to keep patrolling the area. Well that was strange.....

I headed up to my place as I was getting a call from Bres I'm sure and before I could even put the key in, my door flew open and I found a very heated Breslin who appeared to be putting on his hoodie. "Baby, what's wrong?" I smelled a familiar scent in the air and saw a luxury purse on my dining table. Somebody was in my bathroom as I heard the toilet flush and water run. "Who's here?", afraid of the answer I was going to get as the door opened and out walked the Devil in female mother.

What the fucking is she doing here? How did she- Fuck, I remember she is my emergency contact from when I first moved in. That's how she got past the gate.

"Well hello Mackenzie. Your bathroom is filthy but I don't expect much less when it's apparent you need to clean up a lot", as she said making eyes at Breslin. "I was in LA on business and thought I'd check in on my only child, even if you choose to be defiant". She crossed her arms at Breslin and said, "You can leave now".

Breslin scoffed before actually resuming packing up his backpack. I immediately started panicking, "Wait, what's going on? You don't have to go any-" He just gave me one cold look before grabbing his line jacket and saying, "I'm out". I couldn't even find words until the door slammed behind him and my baby was gone.

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