Chapter 40: Free and Now Locked Up

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Fuck! I got his voicemail. " it's me." Lovie is out there somewhere. She has on different clothes like uhm a grey hoodie and I think black leggings. Please find her. I never wanted her hurt or involved please believe me". Stop crying Mackenzie. "I-Iove you so much. Please find her".

I managed to get the phone out of Yamonie's pocket with my feet and bend my legs up, like I was doing a crunch, and got it to my hands. Typical, her password was Xavier's birthday. I called 911, and the operator thought I was crazy or high so, I called Breslin. He didn't answer. I just hope Lovie is safe. I left the voicemail and began my next mission: trying to get free. However, I was working on it for about ten minutes when I heard footsteps coming back and I knew who's they were. So, I dropped the phone and kicked it under the table.


He looked even more drunk than before and possibly high off cocaine. That was one of his favorites, but he didn't have Lovie with him. I don't know if that's good or bad. "Get up bitch. We going for a ride". He acted as if Yamonie and Rock's bodies were not laying there.

What? No. We can't leave. "Where are we going?"

A slap to my face, "Bitch, did I tell you to ask questions?" He untied me, "Now get the fuck up and put on these and this and hurry the fuck up". Yet, another set of clothes and a wig. I slowly got up and began walking over to the clothes where I took off my pants seeing the bruises for the first time. My legs were basically a dark purple. My body was in so much pain. "Damn Mackenzie, I don't remember you having all that ass". I felt his shadow behind me. I tried pulling up the jeans he'd just given me. "Nah, on second hand, we can stay here". Oh no...

He began rubbing on my butt and I began crying on the inside. His touch, his smell, and the look in his eyes, I knew I might have had to do somethings to get him to relax and maybe escape or die trying. He began kissing my neck and I gave him a fake moan. "Oh, you like that Kenz?" Typical, egotistical Xavier.

I let out sheepishly, "Yes".

"I knew you missed this". He began grabbing my breasts and pressing himself against my butt as I held back tears. "You were faking for that white boy. You know who you belong to. I bet I got yo shit wet". Negative, Xavier made me want to throw up. Breslin could make a raisin wet.

"Yes you do Daddy. I been thinking and I want to show you how much I missed you". I turned around in my bra and panties and kissed Xavier deeply wrapping my arms around his neck. Like the basic dude he is, he started relaxing.

I began sucking his little dirty ear as I remembered, "Damn Mackenzie, you know that's my spot." He pushed us over by the table as he picked me up and began sloppily kissing me. He reeked of alcohol as he began unbuckling his pants and tears welled up in my eyes. This could save my life no matter how much I was going to hurt...

Just as he was about to push himself inside me, the lamp inside went off making the room completely dark and there was a knocking against the wall like a gate keeps hitting it. "Fuck! I'll be right back. Power on this place is old. Our dads were dumb as fuck to buy this place. Don't try and run".

To reassure Xavier I said, "I'm not going anyway baby. Hurry back". I started rubbing on myself as he left. I went and got the phone as Xavier gave me a big clue as to where I was. Our fathers went to UCLA together, were housemates and lived in this infamous house by Santa Monica. They lived in the house until they graduated and moved to Atlanta for grad school. Afterwards, they turned into a group home for foster youth.

I heard more noises on the side of the house and was fumbling to call 911 and text Breslin my location when the door bust open and there was......

Ant and Dom.

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