Chapter 26: Never Leave

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"Here he go on Hulk mode"...."Shut the fuck up Brina"...."Hey B, I know you upset but don't talk to your sister like that"...."Ma, when is she going wake up?"...."She'll come to in a few baby, but calm down I'm sure there's a reason behind all this"...."What the fuck kind of reason could this possibly be? Kenz don't bother nobody"..."Alright Bres, go take a walk, don't cuss at your mother"....

Moments later, I fluttered my eyes open and were met with the Carter women; I looked around and saw I was now on the living room couch. Ms. Syd was a nurse practitioner so, she was right by my side checking my lungs, pulse, and other vitals. I followed her finger before asking what happened. "You passed out Mackenzie, I believe you had an anxiety attack".

My studio.....

That next moment Breslin came back in the house with Mr. Law and Zerin. He looked my way and when he realized I was up, he gave me a concerned yet, piercing look. "Are you ok? Is she ok Mom?"

"Let's all give Mackenzie and Breslin some space y'all. She's find Pud, just some relaxation, but I think y'all need to talk". She gave me a look that I was not ready for, I knew it was time. I asked to go to the bathroom first; Breslin helped me up as I walked to the bathroom. He looked so pissed as I made sure to grab my phone first.

I had two prime suspects because the lipstick threw me off, only a chick would use lipstick. Courtney and ultimately.....Xavier.

I logged into my lurking Instagram account and went Xavier's profile. Wait...him and Yamonie went to.....Italy three days ago?! Wow, that's not only my dream destination, but they're really together. Yamonie was never my friend. Well had to be the white she-devil.

I went to Courtney's page and appeared she went home right after the event and went home to Florida. Ugh, what the fuck was really going on?! I was confused beyond belief about who did it if no one was in California, but that "Bitch" message was meant for me, whoever wrote it. Something wasn't adding up. I finished up in the bathroom, opened the door, and Breslin was right there.

He grabbed my hand, dragged me to his old room, and closed the door. "What the fuck is going on Kenz? Do you know who fucked up your apartment or not? My Mom like we need to talk, wassup?" I was silent as if I was a kid getting in trouble with the Principal. "So, you got nothing to say? This is bullshit man, I thought we promised we'd tell each other everything". He looked so disappointed in me. I couldn't find the words until I saw Breslin frustrated, about to leave.

"Don't leave me". I barely whispered as I was afraid of losing the one person that truly accepted me.

"Don't leave? How can you expect me not to Kenz and you pushing me away? I may look somewhat calm, but I'm pissed the fuck off. Makes me think you hiding more shit than this from me and you still haven't told me". Wow, that actually hurt my feelings. It was silent once more as the angry golden eyes directed at me somewhat softened. Ok, maybe he still cares..."Yes, I care about you Kenz or else I wouldn't be mad. Now, fuck, stop mumbling under your breath and talk to me".

I started off slow and whisper, "I think my ex is trying to hurt me again or Courtney ransacked my shit".

Breslin looked even more angry, "What the fuck did I tell you? Courtney is irrelevant and she wouldn't do nothing like that".

Ok, now I'm pissed. My tone matched his, "Oh now, your defending her now? Yep, I been hiding shit. Your little VP was disrespectful to me at the toy drive and I didn't say nothing because I didn't want to ruin your big night. But I will not be yelled at again!" Breslin and I looked at each other as I was breathing hard and silence hit the room again.

"I'm sorry for yelling, but not for how I feel. Believe me, Courtney went home with her family, even if she got a problem, I'd highly doubt she'd sacrifice a trip she been waiting months for". He did have a point. "And what you keep meaning by again? Can you please stop thinking I'm going be like this Xavier nig-, I mean dude? And he's not going hurt you".

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