Chapter 28: Goal Accomplished

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A week later.....

"C'mon y'all, we have to make sure we get a spot in the front". I was so nervous for tonight and hoping that everything would go well and as planned. Today was Breslin's 19th birthday and the Alpha Phi Alpha probate meaning that I wouldn't see him all day because he was in MIA mode until 9:06pm tonight.

I really wanted to make his night special since his day was pretty much taken. We were going to Greystone in Hollywood for the official after party for the Alphas and a surprise. Tomorrow was Wednesday and I was happy most of the crew didn't have class nor work. It was truly going to be a night. I was about to leave my place with Sparks and Ty so we could to campus for the probate.

I felt really comfortable being back in my own place, even though Breslin stayed the night basically every night. I did feel more secure with the guards around though and they were really nice guys that could have passed for UFC fighters, one named Rock and the other named Phil. Breslin was cool with them too, often bringing food and tipping.

School and work were going well. Doing some of my major courses was really inspiring and fun; I loved being a Communications and Public Relations double major now and having Professor Cole again was great. He really made me want to make a name for myself in the industry and even the world. I wanted to write books, do PR, events, and still do my channel.

I'll leave being a doctor to Dom. I might need his help though with chemistry, because I was thinking about starting my own natural hair care line. Being with Breslin, I felt invincible. He never ceases to amaze me, my baby is an Alpha man, just like my Dad....

"We going be there early as fuck, we still need to go get some balloons and whatnot". Ty said putting on her booties. Surprisingly, it was somewhat chilly in LA, finally jacket season. We were all wearing all-black outfits with gold jackets and accents of gold for our boys.

"Like we not going recognize they tall asses". Sparks said while smoothing out her new straight bob she started rocking since the beginning of the year. "They going be at the tail end anyway". She knew a lot about Greek life as well whereas Ty was so lost.

"Alright, I'm ready. Let's go". I looked good and I knew I had represent Breslin and also because the girls and I were trying to get in good with the Deltas. Probates were almost like pep rally parties on campus, a true coming out of a new chapter. Tonight was the coming owt of their line "The Crazy Eight".

We went to Party City first to get some gold and black balloons along with the gifts we bought them. We then arrived and got the UCLA Amphitheater Lawn where people were starting to arrive for the probate. We luckily got a standing spot in front of the section that was blocked off.

Before I knew it, it was 9:06pm and the existing Alphas were strolling out with eight dudes dressed in what looked like tuxedos, wearing gold and black masks. I knew exactly who our boys were of course and yep, they were at the end. Everyone was cheering and rooting until the line got in formation and revealed themselves to us.

I knew who #1-4 were from around campus and #5 was Kyree, a boy I had class with this past semester and we had Media Writing together this semester. Then, #6 was revealed and introduced was "Notor-Ice", Ant. Then, #7 was none other than "Hi Dephinition", my baby Breslin. And of course, the tail #8, "M.V.P" (Most Valuable Pharoah) was Dom. The boys came out and began strolling with their bros and performed a small yard show.

I was so happy for Breslin and he looked so sexy strolling and stepping. They all had their own step and even though girls were whooping and hollering at our men, but we knew who they belonged to. Well, Ty didn't. "Ok, y'all, I'm going have to cut a bitch. All this #6 shit got to stop". I laughed while the line and the old frats shouted, "1-9, 0-6!" The probate was over and before I knew it a crowd was around the new frats. I even saw Courtney in the crowd.

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