Chapter 21: Grateful Gifts

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The next week.....
Mid December

I'm officially done with my first semester of college. Grades will be posted next week and I'm feeling good about them, even Statistics. The study session over the weekend really helped and ended up turning into a crew sleepover. We all helped each other out in our weak areas so, I helped Dom and Ant with their writing whereas Breslin helped everyone in Math. My baby is so smart and was scheduled to get an award next week at the Toys for Toddlers event for best class President; no other freshman has gotten that award since 1986. He was on-track to win next year as sophomore President.

Oddly, since that night Breslin was sick, I haven't gotten anymore suspicious texts, calls, or messages. I was too happy and hoped he just gave up being that I was on the verge of having a nervous breakdown. A couple of days ago, I did a little Intel of my own and made a separate account on Instagram with a catfish so I could see Xavier's whereabouts. Like the womanizer he is, he added me. It appears he's been in Atlanta this whole time, being a freshman like myself, but I was on the verge of throwing up when I saw a picture of him and Yamonie together.

She......she was dating him?! I couldn't believe it, but sure enough just a couple days after Breslin's and I anniversary. She fucking disgusted me. Literally 18 years of friendship, gone. The person who knew my deepest secrets was with the deepest who caused me my deepest pain. I was really emotional that day and Bres was worried, but I just lied and said it was from my period, which I happened to be on as well.

Anyway, today, the crew and I just got out our Hip-Hop music final. Of course, Sparkle was the first to speak, "Thank you God, it's over. Alright, everybody be at my house at 5, maybe even 5:30, I still gotta wrap y'all shit". We chuckled and began heading our separate ways before linking back up tonight. We were having our Christmas early because of our different schedules. Dom and Ant were about to head on the road for games, Sparkle was going on vacation with her family, and Ty was going be here with Breslin and I before we left for Oakland after the big event.

The couples weren't giving each other gifts, just everybody else. I wasn't giving Breslin his gifts until Christmas Day, and he wouldn't even let me in his closet anymore because I would spoil my surprises for Christmas. Geez, he was giving me happy anxiety if that made sense.

Breslin slept over at my house last night and drove us to campus. We got in his car and headed off to my studio to pick up my gifts and so, I could change clothes. Sparks was making us wear ugly Christmas sweaters. "School, done, next this event and a break from being President, so I can finally just be with my baby and my family". He reached over and grabbed my hand to kiss it.

"Man, I could use a vacation too. I like working, but I hate working". We laughed before we pulled up to my studio and entered. "I'll be only a minute babe".

"You lying but ok", as he plopped down on my bed. Ok maybe ten minutes. He really is a stickler for time. I hopped in the shower really quickly before walking out in my towel to get my clothes to go back in the bathroom. "You know you can get dressed in front of me right, I've seen all of you already". He was leaned back on one elbow biting his lip, looking so good. He had gotten over his cold and looked like my Breslin again.

I decided I was going to finally allow myself to get more comfortable around Breslin him so, I dropped my towel and began putting my Body Shop butter on my arms. I felt really self-conscious, but he looked like he was enjoying the show. I couldn't help but giggle, "Stop being a perv".

"I'm only a perv for you baby. Come here, let me finish for you". I was hesitant, but I had to remember the discussion I was having with the girls. Breslin respected me for months and he's still patient, although I can tell he's getting a little frustrated. He loves my thick thighs, big butt and small pudge that he says isn't there, but he doesn't pressure me. "Please baby".

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