Chapter 12: Points Made and Proven

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The streets were still packed as it approached about 1:00am. Breslin and I approached a lit descending staircase that was connected to the semi-deserted beach. An bike officer told us to be careful as Breslin held my hand. "I think you should take off those skyscrapers before you fall, besides I like little you." I smiled and take off the heels as we walk down the concrete steps into the mushy sand. Breslin also took off his socks and boots. His feet look so manicured and not gross. Always a plus.

He grabbed my hand again as we made our way in silence, walking closer and closer to the shore. I breathed in, closed my eyes and smelled the ocean air and saw the moon lighting the beautiful blue black water. "Beautiful isn't it? Back in the Bay, I used to come to the beach when I was going through it or just need somewhere to think or somewhere to cry". I popped open my eyes surprised Breslin was sharing something personal with me. We had already went to the general likes and dislike questions, but never really delved too much into ourselves, just family. I stayed quiet because I was still nervous. "Want to play another game Mackenzie? Promise it doesn't involve kissing you, even though I wouldn't mind that. 21 Questions". I nod my head while looking at the waves and the water brush up against the shore. "Alright question one, why do you act so nervous around me?"

"I uhm...feel like I'm going do something stupid, or say something wrong."

"Kenz, nothing you say is wrong. Your feelings can never be wrong." He looked me in my eyes and carried on his classic nonchalant manner. "Alright, now you ask me something".

"Uhm, why me?"

"I thought we went through this already." He rubbed his face slight frustrated. "I like you Mackenzie. I think you're beautiful, beyond compare. You're intelligent and a hard worker. You carry yourself well. You really need to start believing what I'm saying. Alright number two, who was the asshole that I have to beat up for doing a number on you?" I was somewhat taken aback as he sincerely looked in my eyes. Something made me feel like it was ok to talk.

"Well, let's see, his name is-was Xavier. Xavier Ward, our families have known each other through old money for years. We got together in 9th grade and the rest was scripted history. Cutest couple, captains of the basketball team, good students, and each other shadows. But then something changed..." I trailed off while looking into the ocean. I decided to cut the question short to ask him another question, "Am I the first black girl you've talked to?"

He blew out a breathe, obviously annoyed that I didn't share too much, but still answered the question. "No, Kenz, you're not. Forgive me for liking people, not color. And I'm also fully aware that I'm white and you're black. Your race was never a reason why I like you".

"Wow, I'm sorry. I just had to ask."

He just looked up in my eyes before grabbing my hand as we walked alongside the ocean. "Alright, question three, are you going to let me see you when we get back home?"

I paused and just replied with one word, "Sure."

"Not a definite yes or no, but I'll take it." We laughed before approaching a couple of seagulls and birds as I was enjoying my time with Mr. Carter. He interrupted my thoughts by telling me it was my turn as he went behind me to hold me from the back. He must have known I was getting somewhat cold.

"Uhm, where do you see yourself in the future?" I was warmed instantly by his arm wrapped around me.

"Let's see, success wise, getting my MPA and starting my own non-profit in Oakland for at-risk youth, traveling the world, and helping out kids that never had no one to listen to like me. And personally, still traveling, watching and supporting my family, having a couple of kids of my own, and having someone to share all that with." I was taken aback by Breslin's answer because he's so rare. "Question 4, same question you asked me". He turned me around while looking me in my eyes. I was still stunned by his answer.

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