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"No." Fred shakes his head. "Why do you want to die? You know if we manage to pass over we can't come back!"

Fred grabs Emma's hand "I'm not losing you again!"
She pulls her hand away "maybe I don't want to live anymore."

Fred stared at her in disbelief.
"You always look so happy! Emma now you have a family and me!"

Emma smiles but shakes her head "Fred I'm depressed. I've been for years and I don't think I deserve this. Plus it doesn't go away in a flash."

She grabs both of Fred's hands
"I'm trying to be happy but I'm not."

Fred hugs her tightly "then I'll help. I'm not going anywhere."


After a long talk about how to help Emma, they both decided to crash at Emma's.

"You know what?" Fred asked as he pulled Emma down on top of his as they laid in bed.

"What?" She giggled. She pushed a pair of hair out of her face.
"We should get an apartment together!"

Fred frowned and Emma sighed "I just moved in, we just started dating and we don't have money."
"I know but there's a flat for sale right next to the shop and I thought.."

"Fred stop your making me feel bad."
Emma sat up.
"Well maybe cause I want to look  forward with you and you don't."

"Fred we've been dating for a week! Wait you never even asked me!" Emma raised her voice slightly causing the ginger to frown.

"Fine! Emma will you be my girlfriend!" Fred sassed back.
"Is that how you want to ask me?" Emma raised her eyebrows.

Fred sighed and rubbed his face "I just can't win."

"Emma I'm in love with you! Ever since I saw you needed someone when we were dead i just fell in love with you over the course of that year and now that we can be together your pushing me away!"

Emma breathed "im scared Fred! So fucking terrified! What if you leave me? Again!" Emma's voice cracked in the end. Tears streamed down her face.

"I can't lose you Fred!"
"Then why are you pushing me away?"

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