Chapter 7 - Awkward encounters.

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She was dreading the next day at the office. However, she maintained her composure. Going to her office, she had learned that the entire office knew about their boss's wedding thanks to his mother but thankfully they didn't know who was going to be his bride. In the meeting, Aaban avoided looking at her as much as he could and thankfully she had no input to give today. He pretended as if nothing was new. Haneen couldn't believe how calm he was whereas, Haneen on the other hand couldn't sit straight in front of him for a single minute. She was so restless and so nervous. If someone was paying attention to her antics, to her face and expressions, it would have surely let the cat out of the bag because she was hyperventilating and red whenever he came in front of her. It was such a cute sight for even the arrogant boss that he intentionally came in front of her time and again. He enjoyed and smirked whenever he saw her nervous in front of him. It was a sight to see. This girl was surely something else and maybe one day he could open his heart to her truly. But right now, that wasn't the option.

The day passed like that with Aaban enjoying his wife-to-be's amusing acts and Haneen getting nervous like anything in front of him.

In the evening, Mrs. Rehman along with Aaban came to their house and Haneen laid the table for the tea without making eye contact with her boss.

Mrs. Rehman went to her and hugged her tightly. "I always wanted a daughter and now my prayers are going to be answered."

Haneen was betroot red as everyone chuckled seeing her squished in a warm bear hug. She liked to maintain distance from everyone but her mother in law seemed obsessed with her.

"So 3 months from now will be the wedding and Nikkah a month earlier. Okay?"

"Definitely." Haneen's father spoke and everybody congratulated each other.

"Haneen bache. Mithayi le k aao." [Haneen baby, bring the sweets.]

"Bhai ko bolen na. Main kyun le k aaun." [Ask brother. Why should I bring them?] She spoke from inside, clearly annoyed by her family teasing her.

Everybody chuckled and Aaban hid a smile, hearing her like that. It was the first time that he saw her so casual and warm with her family.

The date was set. The invitations were sent. Everybody was supposed to be arriving before Nikkah. It was the first wedding in both of their families so everybody was really excited. Before they knew it, two months had gone by in a blur, shopping, deciding the wedding venues and visiting each other. Haneen was happy with the fact that her house wasn't far away from where she was going to live.
She had taken leave from the office for 2 months now. Her mother in law herself had signed her leave. Their cousins from Pakistan had arrived. Haneen was really excited to meet them after a long time. Aaban on the other hand was least bothered with the wedding preparations. He just wanted to get this done with. If it was in his control, he wouldn't even be getting married but his mother had been bugging him for a long time now and he had been putting it off. This time she insisted more than usual and he had to give in. He obeyed her everytime and so for her sake and peace, he had agreed to sign this contract that was going to change his life.

The scenes at the Ahmad household were alot different. Everybody was merry, celebrating and having fun. Haneen's cousins had planned a Dholki [Pre wedding celebration] night for her. She was clad in a beautiful orange and gold dress with flower jewellery. She looked radiant as ever, even more beautiful than before. Deep inside, she was a bit happy. She had always dreamed of living a beautiful love story and this was her chance to live her dream in the best possible way. However, seeing the kind of person that Aaban was she was keeping her expectations low because she didn't want to be hurt later.

Her cousins, however, left no stone unturned in teasing her with his name. She blushed profusely everytime they teased her. Even her brother was not sparing her. Her parents just smiled, blessed her and were happy to see her happy.

"Haneen, come with me to your room." Her cousin sister, Hana, who was the closest to her asked her. She nodded and followed her. Her heavy dress and bangles jiggling and making sweet sounds of joy and merriment.

As soon as she was inside her room, Hana quickly locked the door from outside giggling.

"Hana, what kind of joke is this? Open the door right now." She knocked on the door, her bangles jingling.

"It's no use." came a husky voice from behind, making her breath hitch in her throat. She didn't dare to turn around and look at him. She was hyperventilating. Her mehendi clad hands and flowers in her hair were the only view for him. He could see her tensing visibly under his gaze.

"Why are you here?" She asked stammering.

"They forced me." He replied nonchalantly.

"Does your mother know?" She asked, still shaking under his unfaltering gaze.

"Yes. Your parents know as well."

Hearing that, she turned around a little, looking at him. He was in a simple white shirt, nothing fancy.

For a moment, he couldn't tear off his gaze from her. As much as he hated all these proceedings, he couldn't deny the fact that she was an ethereal beauty. He had never seen anyone like her ever before and he hated to admit, but she affected him a little more than he wanted her to.

"Aap ne khana khaya?" [Did you have dinner?] Came a soft voice, snapping him out of his trance.



"Oh. I already had it."

"I am sorry you had to go through all of this. I really didn't know." She apologized with moist eyes, fiddling with the rings on her fingers.

"It's okay. Don't worry about it."

"Hana, please khol do." [open the door] Her voice croaked.

"Hey, I told you. It's okay. Don't worry about it. Relax."

She nodded and settled on the bed. His gaze was down all the while. He made sure she didn't feel uncomfortable with him in the room.

Written Among The Stars. Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon