Chaper 5 - The Good News.

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Haneen was no longer worried about her job or anything related to it because she had left it in the care of the most competent authority and nothing is ever lost in his care. She was having evening tea with her family on a regular Sunday when her phone beeped with a notification.

It was the work schedule for Monday. She was confused as to why was this sent to her if she wasn't working there anymore so she texted Ashar to ask about it.

No Haneen. You're not fired. You are still very much working with us. Aaban was angry on something else that day and you gave him the opportunity to take it out on you by being late for the meeting. Don't worry, everything will be fine.

Are you sure?
She texted back.

100% girl. Aaban himself told me to forward the schedule to everyone.

Okay. I will come tomorrow then, inshaAllah

See you. It's not easy to get away from ARK specially after the stunt that you pulled in his office last Friday.

What do you mean? Did you hear all of it?

All of it. ;)

Oh God.

Nevertheless, she was happy that atleast now she won't have to lie to her parents. However, she would apply for other companies as well because she didn't want to work with him anymore.

The next morning, she was at the office earlier than usual. She got more conscious and punctual now. Another big project was on its way and she didn't want to risk it.


On the other hand, the scenes at Aaban's house were very different.

"Aaban, unless you tell me happily, I won't consider it a yes from you. I don't want to impose my decision on you."

"Ammi [Mother], I have told you time and again that I have no interest in all this. You can do whatever you want to. It's your choice. I will do it for you, whatever you choose for me."

"Are you sure? You don't even want to see her before marriage?"

"No. And what marriage. First, the family has to accept your proposal. What if they reject? I don't want to see anyone right now. You do whatever pleases you."

"Alright then, get ready for your wedding because in no way they are going to reject my son." She smiled happily at him and kissed his head.


"Haneen, we have to talk." Her mother told her as she was about to proceed towards her room after lunch.

This one sentence was so dreadful that even if you have done nothing wrong, all the bad things start coming to your mind.

She gulped visibly as her heartbeat fastened. Her mother held her hand and made her sit beside her.

"There's a proposal for you."

"What!" She looked at her stunned.

"Why are you so shocked? It's normal for girls of your age."

"But?" She couldn't seem to form the right words.

"Hanie, he's from a good family. You probably know him as well. He's your colleague. They were asking if they should come to our house to formally ask for your hand."

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