Chapter 36 - Baby steps

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"What would you like to have for dinner tonight?" She asked him as she hung his shirt in the cupboard after getting it ironed.

"Why?" He asked in confusion as he stopped typing on his laptop.

She came back from the wardrobe and settled on the bed in front of him.

"Because Ammi [mother] told me to ask from you first." She replied as she fiddled with the ring on her finger.

"And why is that?" He asked as he placed his laptop on the table from his lap.

"Because you're my husband." She answered.

He reached for her hand and untangled it from the other. He clasped her hand in both of his as she continued to look at the ground.

"Haneen! This is your home. You can do anything you like. You don't need to ask for my permission before doing anything. I am your husband and your companion. I am not here to order you around. Understood?" He spoke politely and sighed.

She nodded. He grabbed her chin in his hand and forced her to look up at him. Truth be told, he was so beautiful that she couldn't look at him from such a short distance.

"Hanie?" He teased. She had never felt so endeared when anyone else called her Hanie before and then there was this man who just spoke one word and her heart went haywire.

"Jee?" [Yes] She managed to speak out, she didn't know how.

"Why do you answer with this Jee everytime? I swear it turns me on." He made a puppy face and stuck out his bottom lip.

She continued to stare at her feet. She had painted her toe nails since she was on an official break.

"Wallahi, [By God] you're so adorable." He spoke endearingly as he stroked her cheeks.

"Uh..Dinner? I should go and prepare the dinner." She answered, nervously.

"Way to take a compliment, darling." He chuckled.

"Ammi [Mother] sent me to ask you what should I make for dinner. Let me go na. Please." She pleaded.

"As you wish." He spoke as he raised both of his hands in air. She quickly adjusted her scarf around her shoulders and got up. She was surprised how he let her go so easily.

As she was about to take a step towards the door, he held her wrist and pulled her towards him with a jerk. That only ended up in her landing on top of him as they fell on the bed. He chuckled as she buried her face in his chest, not wanting to face him. Gently, he held her by her arms. She slowly got up taking the support of the bed. She laid down beside him and placed her head on his arm scooting closer to him. Just looking at him at his beautiful best was a treat to eyes. He was so breath- taking.

He half-hovered over her and tucked
her hair away from her face, staring at her as if he was looking at her for the first time in his life.

"Do you know, I sometimes wonder what good have I done in my life to deserve you as my wife?" He whispered.

She didn't speak anything but just listened to him intently. Every word he spoke seemed so sacred as if he was quoting some Holy words. Every word that was ever uttered from his mouth was like a beautiful spell casted on her.

"You seem to have bewitched my soul. It's no longer mine." He spoke huskily as she shuddered a bit beneath him. She could literally feel goosebumps forming all over. He looked at her, in her eyes and then his gaze lingered there for a while. Her heart thudded loudly against her ribcage. There was utter silence in the room. The only sound that she was able to hear was her loudly beating heart. She closed her eyes not having the courage to look into his eyes anymore as he leaned down. She didn't know what to do, in literal sense of the word. He plopped down beside her and sighed in contentment. He had never imagined his life taking such a beautiful turn. He had never imagined himself falling in love again. He didn't even once think that he could be happy once again without any care of the world. He always wanted this but he knew it was too far-fetched. But right now, he was living his dream life with the love of his life. Haneen was the only one who could've handled him this well. Although, she was five years younger to him but she was so sensible, mature and patient with him that it didn't take her long to break all his barriers and enter his heart. Indeed, Allah is the best of planners. We are flawed humans who always doubt everything but we forget that our story is written by the one who's absolutely flawless.

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