Chapter 18 - You make me sick

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Two months had gone by like that. Aaban was still distant. His mother was really sweet but she knew a little about their relationship. She knew that Aaban was giving her a hard time but she was waiting patiently. She knew he would change at last but he needed some time to adjust just like he had needed it with her some years ago. Aaban never gave her any rights of a wife and Haneen didn't even want that yet. She just wanted a little acknowledgement from his side. She cried to Allah every night to make things better and easier for her because she was honestly so tired now. She didn't want to fight anymore. She was exhausted and all her energies were at an all time low.

In the morning, she had woken up early to make breakfast for him. He had left alone, saying that there was no need to do all this and that he was used to of doing it himself.

That night, he didn't have dinner as well. So she took it with her to the bedroom.

"Take it back." He spoke rudely.

"But you didn't eat." She replied.

"I don't want to eat. Stop forcing me. I am not a kid."

"Ammi-" [Mother-]

"I will tell her not to bother you anymore with my tasks." He cut her off before she could say anything. "All of this that you do, makes me feel sick. I hate it. I don't want to see your face. Just get out of my room!" He barked at her making her flinch from her place.


"I said GET OUT" He yelled loudly as his voice echoed through out the empty house. He had scolded her before this as well but he hadn't been this violent and scary ever before.

With wide, teary and scared eyes, she turned around slowly. She heard a vase shattering into pieces behind her which made her flinch even more. She quickly closed the door behind her before he further got out of control and slumped down on the floor, completely shattered. He was so angry right now. He looked like a monster and she didn't have it in her to face him right now.

She slumped down on the floor and buried her head in her knees that were bent close to her chest. She could hear objects falling to the floor. She didn't know what had made him this furious.

"What did I do?" She cried to herself, oblivious of everything. "What was my fault? Why do I have to suffer all the time?" She rested her head on her knees with her back against the door, oblivious of the fact that he was sitting in the same position behind the closed doors.

She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday because of him. He was so angry at her and she kept on trying to find out the reason but couldn't succeed. It was not only for this day, it was a matter of every other day now. Everyday, he would fight with her or take out his anger and frustration on her but she didn't say a word in her defense. What could she have said when she didn't even know the crime she had committed.

As she sat there trying to gather herself together again, she felt a sharp and agonizing pain shoot throughout her head and everything became blurry in her vision. She fell down calling for help. The pain was unbearable for her and she could hardly keep her eyes open.

"Aaban!" She whispered but she knew it was a lost battle, a hopeless case.

Was this her fate?

She asked herself, being completely helpless, feeling nothing less than a shackled soul. She couldn't even do anything on her own and had to depend on others. Then and there, she realised that no matter how much she thought she was independent, she needed him. At times like this, even though she didn't want to, but the first person that she thought of was him. Always.

But he was nowhere to be seen. Tears formed in her eyes making her already blurry vision completely dark as she laid there waiting for someone to come and help her. She tried to get up by taking support of the door handle but failed miserably as there was no strength left in her. She collapsed again and this time drifted into darkness, complete and absolute darkness.

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