XXX. Dear Brothers

Depuis le début

They fumed, but they did not contradict.

"My brothers shall not prolong their stay, Lord Ashmore," she said, turning to Cole. Her eyes silently reminded him that Fiona was in the manor.

When he clamped his lips tightly, Margaret faced her brothers again. "I'm ready to leave." She pushed them to the side to pass. "Transfer my things to your carriage, Nick." When neither spoke, she stopped and turned on her heels in frustration.

Maxwell had stepped closer to Cole. "Stay away from her," she heard him say. Cole, on the other hand, was too calm. But his jaw was tight. She knew he had things to say, but he was wise enough not to.

"Max," she called as she pulled at Nicholas' coat when he made a move to join Maxwell.

Nicholas shrugged away from her hold and righted his coat as he walked backward with a sneer. "We have been missing out on hunting trips of late, Devitt. Don't make us lock on one prey this season."

"That's enough!" Margaret growled, pushing Nicholas to the side to grab Maxwell's arm, pulling him away from Cole. "Thank you for your hospitality, my lord," she said through her teeth to Cole. "I and my brothers are most grateful." Pulling harder at both brothers, she turned and pushed. "To the carriage now, please."


"Who took her?" Fiona asked as she stared out the window. The carriage that took Margaret away was already gone, but the child watched the driveway as if hoping it would return.

"Her brothers," he replied, leaning back against his chair.

"Will they return her?"

His lips tightened and a surge of panic rose up his throat. His brain told him to wait, but the better part of him was scared that if he did not go after her now, there may be no other chance.

Yet, there were things he had to settle first. He stood and Fiona turned away from the window, hopeful. "Are you going to her?"

"No," he said with a sigh. "I have to go elsewhere first."


"This is not the way to Wickhurst," Margaret noted with a frown.

"What is going on here, Maggie?" Maxwell demanded instead.

"I'm on a mission and I cannot tell you about it," she said, satisfied with the look of surprise on their faces. "I'm working on a case with Cole Devitt."

"Now, I find that hard to believe," Nicholas said, crossing his arms. "You've rekindled your affair with that bastard, didn't you?"

Her mouth pulled a taunting smile. "At this point, brothers, I don't think I can ever tell you anything in fear that you will act like crazed men again."

"We are your brothers, Margaret," Nicholas slowly said, each word articulated strongly. "It's our duty to protect you."

"From Cole? He's not capable of hurting me."

Their faces contorted with disbelief. "Do you hear yourself now? Do you hear yourself?" Nicholas nearly roared. "We had to witness how you had to live like a corpse for years, Maggie! Years! And do not think we're not aware you tried to kill yourself over that bastard! Mother and Tori might have kept it from us, but we are no fools."

She flinched at his words. Her eyes filled with tears at the memory of her foolishness, and she winced at the shame that washed over her.

"We have to be constantly reminded of what that man did to you. He had clearly painted that on Benedict's face!" Although Maxwell was silent, Margaret knew she had no ally here. "We nearly lost you as well, Maggie."

"And because of that one reckless act, one very dark day where I was at my lowest, you now cannot trust me with anything? How do you suppose I should live my life? The same way you do? See the worst in men and change lovers as often as I do my dresses?" She looked at both brothers, tears rolling down her face. "Tell me then, my dear brothers—How do I live my life?"

Their faces were taut, their jaws twitching in control.

It was Maxwell who finally broke the tense silence. "You can do anything you want, Maggie—anything. But we cannot allow you to do it with that man," he said, voice filled with authority.

Margaret just shook her head. She understood where they were coming from. They only knew their version of the truth. They may claim to know, but they did not know everything, and it was not even their fault. She could continue to argue, but she was tired. They had the right to be angry, and she had every right to her choices.

Her answer to Cole's proposal shall not be reliant on her brothers' wishes because if she were to make the biggest choice of her life, she would want it to be her own.

Once again, she turned to the window. "Where are you taking me?"

"You're not going home to Wickhurst," Nicholas said. "You're going to Devonshire."


That afternoon, he rode away from Ashmore to go to Willowfair. Many times during his stops, he had to fight himself from going straight to Wickhurst. But he had to trust Margaret to know what she was doing. She asked him to wait, and he shall.

Willowfair was just as how he left it months ago. Careful to not draw attention on himself, Cole rented a small villa near Adam's School for Young Gentlemen. He waited a day before sending a letter to the school, and waited another for a reply to arrive in his doorsteps.

I can't go out. They're watching.

I'll get to you when I can.

Is she well?

Cole sighed before he fed the paper to the fire and absently stared as it turned to ash. Edmund Trilby had not been fully honest with him. Whatever the young man was involved in, he had to learn to trust Cole with it.

You have not been honest with me.

I need the full story.

She is safe, but she will not be for long if you keep me in the dark.

After his reply was sent to Adam's, Cole decided to leave Willowfair. He would spend a few more days to lose anyone who may be following him. Then, he would return to Wickhurst.

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