Chapter 62: Calm before the storm.

Start from the beginning

Enobaria, who already has a cot set up for Afiya, who is due any day, takes sleepy Nazera and places her in there. She wraps her up while Corden draps a blanket over my shoulders. He hands me a cup of tea.

"What did he do?" Enobaria moans in a hushed voice.

"It's not what he did, it's what I did. I told his family about the cancer and he freaked out. He said nothing but the look on his face. He really didn't want them to know.

And En, I just can't cope! I'm scared,I'm scared to die. I don't want to!I'm only seventeen years old, I'm too young to die. I can't tell Cato because he'll just lecture me about how I should've went to the Capital." I bawl.

"And I feel so vulnerable! I go to sleep every noght, wondering if I'll wake up. And every time I saw Goodbye to someone I know that it might be the last time I ever see them.

I'm scared to marry Cato, I'm just going to break his hear more when I die and I can't do that to him, I love him to much.

I love him too much that I have to let him go."

"Wait..... what?" Corden gasps. Enobaria rubs my back.

"I can't marry him, it'll sting too hard. I need to break up with him!"

Enobaria seems to understand my serious frustration, but she doesn't take kindly to it.

"I feel like slapping you, I can't believe you, Cato stuck with you all these weeks, he even proposed to you! He wants to be with you, all the way till your last breath. He adores you Clove."


"No buts, do you love him?"

"Yes, with all my heart and more."

"Well thats a sign that you need to be with him, you're supposed to be getting married next week! Stay here for the night, in the morning, you're going back to him and telling him what you just told us. qnd if you don't,  then I will."

I open my mouth but no words come out. I reluctantly agree, even though I don't have a choice anyways.

"I know this is hard for you but-"

"Hard for me?" I laugh, wiping the tears from my face. "Is that tbe best you can think of? I know this is hard for you!  Imagine whrn Afiya is born. And you know that you're going to die and leave her and Corden behind. Do you think this is easy? hmm?"

She doesn't say anything, she just looks at Corden.

"And you know, that nothing will save you. Absolutely nothing. Is that easy? And don't try to reason with me, because unless you've been in my position, you can't say anything."

She looks at her baby bump.

"You know, I thought I made it. I thought I might actually have a normal life for once with Cato, then the amnesia, then the cancer, then Nazera. You don't know what it's like to lose it all, especially when you were so close. You don't know what it's like to juggle a million things at once."

"Clove baby-"

"Don't call me that!" I hiss. "I don't even know why I came to you,  I should've known that you wouldn't understand. The life of aVictor is to privileged. You see I'm not a victor, I'm still the scum of the earth." I state camly, I snatch Nazera up and storm out of the house.

I begin to walk, quicker and quicker. Where am I even going? Clarisse's is too far, so is Mason's. I can't stay at Astrel's or even Leven's.

But I know where I can go, a house where they know what it's like to lose a child.

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