38 -- Room 358 and Janitor's Closets

Start from the beginning

And then I got the call that changed my life.

I was lounging around with the guys, watching movies as we always did. My cell phone rang. I picked up without looking at caller ID. “Hello?” I asked, not really paying attention.

“Danni!” Jenna’s voice came from the other line. I hadn’t talked to Jenna since me and Alex broke up. Her voice was frantic, panicked, nervous, and worried and I wondered what on earth was wrong. I heard her take a deep, shaky breath and sniff. “A-Alex was in a car wreck! He’s in the hospital and he-he’s in a coma.”

I felt all the blood drain out of my face as I became a deathly white color. This wasn’t happening this was a dream. Alex was not hurt. He was not in a coma. He did not have a car accident. And. He. Would. Not. Die. The guys took notice and began to ask what was wrong. I barely managed out, “I’m coming,” before I hung up and sprinted out the door. The guys were hot on my trail.

We all piled quickly into the car and they didn’t ask questions. They knew better right now. I didn’t feel anything as I was still in shock. My face remained emotionless as my mind only asked questions of why and how. I pulled up at the hospital. “Danni, what are we doing here?” Garrett was the first to break the silence.

I didn’t answer as I quickly got out and slammed the door. I ran to the entrance. The lady at the desk looked up at us. “Alexander West.”

She typed the name in and looked at it. “Room 358.”

I quickly took off, the guys right behind me and they talked quietly amongst themselves now that they knew who was hurt. Finally after ages we reached his room. Inside his father held his mother in his arms and Jenna lay in a chair, silent tears streaming down her face as her shoulders shook.

And then I looked at him. He lay in a white gown, hooked up to all sort of devices, including a slowly beating heart monitor in the corner. All down his body were scrapes and bruises. A cast was around his left arm and leg. His eyes were closed and he was pale, too pale. And then reality hit me. This was Alex. He was lying there. Dying.

I felt an arm touch my shoulder, but I walked forward and shook it off. I touched his hand with mine. His skin was rough and cold, inhumanly cold. I intertwined my fingers into his as we did so many times. His hand was still ten times bigger than his. But his hand didn’t squeeze back as he normally did. And I wanted him to. “Alex,” I whispered quietly. Tears began to form into my eyes. “Alex wake up.” His eyes remained closed. “Alex stop it. Wake up!” They still didn’t open. “Didn’t you hear me?! Wake up! You can’t die! I need you!” I practically screamed at him.

And then I did something I promised myself I’d never do. I shed a tear for the boy who broke my heart into itty bitty pieces.

Garrett wrapped his arms around me. “He can’t hear you, Danni.”

I shook my head. “No. No!” I screamed. I turned around and buried my face into Garrett’s chest and started to cry when I felt a small hand on my back. I turned back around at Jenna who still had silent tears coming down. I embraced her as we both cried. All of the guys had found somewhere around the room to stand—the room was bigger than the others for some reason—and they stared with faces only showing shock. “What happened?” I asked quietly.

She let out a sob and cried a minute before answering. “H-He was coming home. Th-They think he-he was distracted when he swerved… into the th-the other lane and-and hit…another driver head on.” And we both let out more cries. All of the guys group hugged around us. I never thought this would happen, not to me. Even if I said I hated him, I still loved him with ever little piece of my heart and now he was as good as dead.

“Jenna,” Ashton’s kind voice came, “why don’t you go get a snack. Your parents already did.” She slowly nodded and left.

I took the seat right next to the bed. I slowly touched his cheek, leaning over him. “Alex, you can’t do this. You can’t die,” I said as I sat on the edge of his bed. I ran my hands down his arms. I wanted them wrapped around me right now. “You can’t die,” I repeated softly

I laid my head on his chest, hearing a very, very faint heartbeat. And now I didn’t care who heard. “I still love you too. Everything I said was a lie. I cared. It broke my heart and I still love you with the shattered pieces, Alex. Please come back. I need you.” But he didn’t come back. And I cried again.

I stayed overnight and the rest of the guys refused to go home too. So we all stayed, cramped up in a hospital room, some laying on the floor. The next day I refused to go to school. I stayed with Jenna and his parents and Ashton and Garrett who also refused to leave. The doctor walked in. “How is he doing?” I asked quietly.

He sighed. “Not good. We don’t know when he’s going to awake, but it’s a very likely possibility that he will never wake up.” I closed my eyes and Ashton and Garrett wrapped their arms around me. “I’m so sorry.”

He walked out. “He’s not coming back, is he?” I asked, looking up at them.

“Danni, don’t think that.”

I pushed them away and grabbed his hand again. Again his fingers wouldn’t coil around mine. “Alex if…” I took a deep breath, “if you don’t wake up, I want to tell you that I never stopped loving you. It’s always been you. And right now I need you more than ever. So please come back. Please for me. I’ll do anything. I swear.” Currently only me Ashton and Garrett were in the room as his family went to get breakfast. “Anything,” I repeated.


Nobody hate me... I really do hate this chapter though. Admit it... who teared up? Hahaha jk. Probably nobody. Anyone please tell me what you think of this chapter because I'm not really sure of it.

So thanks for reading. Two chapters left :O I just can't believe it's almost over. I'm going to miss this story so much, but I'll have a new story. Yet this will always be my baby, my first real novel that I have finished. So thank you all for reading. Please comment, vote, and fan.



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