"stank ass bitch"

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"okay but, she was totally checking you out!" taehyung grunted as he entered their friend's house, meeting the others who were now confused


"bitch thinkin she gon breath near you, no" taehyung scoffed as he removed his shoes, jaebum smirked


"and then she has the nerve... the nerve when I'm right there to ask if you're single and she wonders why i sprayed her face with the perfume" taehyung stated as he waved the others hello and plopped on their couch.

"taehyung what the fu-" before yoongi could finish, taehyung continued to diss her as jungkook sighed and sat on his lap, earning a small smile from the older male which he failed to hide

"stank ass bitch"

"jungkook explain" seokjin whispered as the younger male was about to open his mouth, taehyung covered it

"no, i got this... sit down little shits, story time with v" taehyung spat as he held up to fingers, making a 'v', they all snickered

"so me and kook we went out to buy some couple shirts because... well they're cute but anyways, a worker hoe comes near us and she never took her eyes off my boyfriend. she was literally eye fucking him! and-"

"taehyung swears a lot when angered... or jealous" jungkook whispered as yugyeom and youngjae chuckled

"and then she keeps bugging us, tryna come in between, tryna hit him up, no bitch no. and she even tried to lean forward to show her fake surgery ass boobs, like biTCH, THEY'RE FAKE. and like ugh... she's too much so I sprayed perfume on her face" taehyung snapped as jimin gave a standing ovation and started clapping, yoongi laughed before pulling him down and onto his lap

"what happened after?" youngjae questioned as taehyung smirked

"i kissed taehyung in front of her" jungkook whispered


"she still slipped in her number" jungkook whispered once again as taehyung's eyes widens

"bITCH" the older male shouted as the others laughed. the younger than whispered something in his ear which resulted in his cheeks flaring as the older male smirked

"hyungs, we'll be upstairs, if you need anything-"

"don't call for us, we're busy, bye"

"horny shits" yoongi muttered as yugyeom scoffed

"that's funny coming from you yoongi hyung"

" wanna get hurt kid"

"bambam is coming in 10 hours"

"that's good"

"yugyeom... he's changed okay? " seokjin whispered as he pat yugyeom's head, he smiled at the older male before nodding

"i'm not letting him leave this time"

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