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"bambam do you have to do this.." mark questioned his friend while jackson nodded

"don't go overseas..." jackson whispered

"why do you have to leave" youngjae blocks bambam, trying to plead him to not go

"i can't seem to remember anything, only few parts but other than that, they're big holes in my mind which are probably the memories that i have forgotten.... i just want to start over" kunpimook states, walking past youngjae and continuing with his packing.

"2 weeks" mark firmly states. bambam just turns to face them, confused.

"i leave in two and a half weeks..." bambam replies, pacing back and forth, placing his clothes in his luggage

"no, i mean give us two weeks, and we'll show you why you should stay." mark crosses his arms, and stands in a serious position. both jackson and youngjae just look at one another before nodding.

"hyung, i-" before bambam could object to his hyung's words, someone interrupts

"please... just accept it" youngjae begs, hoping that his friend would accept it and stay longer.

"two weeks... that's all" bambam sighs making mark smiles and causing youngjae and jackson to high five one another

"so... what's first" bambam says, putting his clothes down, and grabbing his phone

"cafe." youngjae states, grabbing bambam and running to the cafe.

little did he know, that the both of them would come across some old 'friends.'

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