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Pete has always worried me with every little thing that he does. Maybe it's just part of my personality to worry about everything until I obsess over it so much I feel like my mind might explode.

Of course in Pete's case I do have some ground to worry over him but I can tell he might be getting fed up with my constant surveillance. I'm acting like a goddam helicopter and I can't even help myself because it's a deep seeded need to look after Pete and make sure he is okay. Knowing he has problems makes me want to handcuff myself to him so he can never hide.

It's not healthy I know but I love him and I want to make sure he's happy.

I walk into the kitchen and check the oven again waiting for dinner, in this case chicken strips, to cook. It's like the saying a watched pot never boils because forcing myself to not check on Pete and instead make dinner is what got me into this self deprecating mess in the first place.

I miss Pete and it's been five minutes. I'm doomed.

I pace the kitchen and nearly jump out of my skin when I hear someone clear their throat. I spin and see Pete standing there in only his panama bottoms with no shirt completely disregarding the fact that it's 6pm. Not that I'm complaining or anything.

"You okay there nervous nelly?" He jokes and I pout leaning back against the island counter.

"Just making dinner." I sigh and Pete quirks an eyebrow and his gaze slides to the oven timer which still has half an hour on it.

"Did you acquire a way to cook food telepathically while I was gone?" He jokes and I sigh again looking at him and then waiting until he slides along the counter to stand next to me. "I know your trying not to hover but you realize that you have always hovered over me as long as I've known you right? Seriously the past five minutes I've had like this itch in my brain knowing I want being watched. Your creepy I get it and I love it." He leans over and kisses my cheek and I feel a blush spread across my cheeks.

"I am not creepy if anyone is creepy it's you. Especially since you just admitted that you like me watching you. Your definitely the creepier one." I remark and Pete swings around to stand in front of me and leans into my space.

"Okay fine in creepy. But just remember you married this." He chuckles and his breath fans across my face. I shrug and wrap my arms around his shoulders pulling him slightly closer trying to ignore the fact that the counter is digging into my back. We stand like that for a few minutes one of Pete's hands slides to my hip where he traces his fingertips across my pant covered thigh lazily. Then he rests his head on my shoulder and presses his body against mine and in turn digging the counter further into my back.

He doesn't do anything except stand there quietly I stroke his back slowly I try not to think too much into what is happening and just except the fact that sometimes it's good for us to do this to just reconnect no talking just touches. Sometimes touch can say a lot more than words can.

I close my eyes and prop my chin on his shoulder and just take a few deep breaths to steady myself. Remind myself that I'm alive and Pete is alive and we are both here standing together in this kitchen alive and happy and that in it's self is truest a miracle.

I wish I could go back to my previous self and tell them that everything will be alright that one day things will be a lot easier and simple. No pain or heart ache and sure maybe some health problems but nothing impossible to not fix.

One day Pete will be himself again but perhaps better in a way having grown from being apart. I wish I could tell the old me just once that Pete would be okay that we would have each other and that there was no need to cry and loose sleep and my mind over. I can't even count how many days I lost just grieving over Pete and thinking about all the terrible things that could have been or could happen.

I can't imagine how Pete feels having gone through all this trauma first hand. He's never told me about a lot of things he keeps burying them deeper and deeper trying to forget about it. It's not healthy and he knows that and I hope one day he can tell me everything that hurts him. I know that day won't be for a long time but at the moment I am happy with this.

With the man I love in my arms and nothing but the promise of happiness in the many years that still lay ahead.

A/n so it's short and it kind of sounds like an ending? Idk if it will be or not it might be for now until I have the time to come back tithe story and actually develops it further I know this universe has a lot more potential. So sadly bros this story is going to be put on hold for a few months maybe an update thrown in whenever I have the time but right now with school and life it's getting harder and harder to find the time.

I love you bros and hopefully you all don't hate me for putting this on hold. But trust me when I say I will come back to this story eventually I just need time to figure out where to bring it too.

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