I could only imagine what she must be thinking, she must hate me. I changed her entire life over night and I couldn't even be understanding the next day. She's like no human that I've met before, like she's said millions of times before, she's strong and I've only made her stronger. Her father would only use her feelings against her and make her hurt the people that love her. I haven't even met him and I hate him.

I growl loudly when I reach an alley near some bar and I smell his scent at its strongest. I notice the small light of cigarette burning in the alley and then being thrown to the ground. He takes a few steps before me and doesn't care to blow the smoke in my face. The scar on his face doesn't go unnoticed and only makes him look more dangerous, Rebecca has his eyes.

He straightens his jacket while looking me over and growls loudly.

"Should I be calling you father then?" I tease him. I need him to make the first move.

He growls even louder and I see his claws extend,"You've ruined my daughter." His voice is ferocious but doesn't affect me, he's a wolf with no title and no proper training.

"She's my mate and I won't let you take her and hurt my pack." I growl and he laughs.

"The way I hear it, you care more about that pack than her." He smirks and I growl loudly.

"That's not true. I love her! Where is she?" I ask and he starts walking closer to me.

"You'll never see her again. She belongs with her father. You and that pack will never accept her even as a wolf now." He yells and I shake my head.

"That's were you're wrong." I growl and decide it's better for me to make the first move. I dodge his arm as he reaches to scratch my face and instead I duck under it to grab his throat with my right arm and hold back his other arm with my left. I push him towards the other end of the alley as he struggles and I press his head hard against the brick.

"She'll never love you. You've made her into a monster." He chokes out and I growl even louder slamming his head hard enough against the bricks that they crack and he goes limp in my arms. I move his head to the side and inhale deeply finding Rebecca's scent mixed with his own and let his body fall to the ground.

I growl smelling the night air again and find out that she's closer than I think. My wolf wants to take over again but I don't let him and use my ability to run to reach her even faster. I'm lead to some run down apartment building and I run all the way to the 8th floor to the room marked 364.

I take a deep breath before breaking the lock and slowly walk in and close the door behind me. I hear sniffles coming from the bedroom and my body heats up, she knows I'm here. I open the door and see her sitting by the fire escape holding herself as her shoulders shake. I cautiously walk up to her but the moment I take one step the floor boards creak and she turns around immediately. Her eyes are red and puffy just like her nose and although she's glaring at me, she's never looked more cute.

"What are you doing here?" She hiccups I see tears going down her cheeks.

"Getting you back." I take another step towards her and she gets up immediately and grabs the silver knife at her side, she lets out a small gasp as it burns her but she doesn't let it go.

"Rebecca you're hurting yourself please drop it." I say as calm as possible and slowly walk over to her.

"I don't care. I don't trust you!" She sobs and I feel her wolf calling out to me. She's in pain. Being a newborn and being denied her mate is driving her insane.

"Let me hold you...please. You'll feel better." I say and hiss as I grab the knife from her hand and let it clatter to the floor. She hiccups again from her sobs and out of nowhere wraps her arms around my neck and jumps on me.

I shut my eyes tight and wrap her legs around my waist and dig my nose into her hair enjoying her scent and almost want to cry at the sound of her whimpers. She sobs as she digs her hands into my hair and I just hold her even tighter.

"I'm sorry I cut you" she sobs and I kiss her cheek, I was never angry with her about that in the first place.

"It hurts. Its hurts so much to change. I needed you." She cries and I slowly walk us over to the bed and she keeps her legs around me as I lay over her and kiss her face.

"I'm sorry for letting you go. For not understanding. I need you Rebecca. Please forgive me." I whisper and she cries again but holds onto me tighter.

"I love you Jeremy." She sniffles and kisses me.

"I want to be a wolf. I want to be in your pack. I'll never leave. Never." She whispers as she slowly begins to take off her clothes.

A/N; sorry for the little tease in this ending ;) but I hope you enjoyed and vote and comment what you think please and thank you! :)

My Human (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now