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She went and met up with Jimin. She walked to her dorm, as she was walking she thought, I think it's time that I tell him and BTS. Then she arrived at the BTS dorm. Sunghee knocked the door and Rap- Monster opened the door.

'Hello Sunghee, here to see Jimin?' Rap monster asked.

'Actually I am here to talk to everyone in the dorm so could you please gather everyone to meet at the lounge?' Sunghee asked as she entered the house. Everyone was in the lounge and was sitting altogether in a circle.

'So...' Sunghee tried to say but she got choked up Jimin was comforting her. 'I'm sorry,' Sunghee smile while tears were coming out.

'No it's okay, take your time,' Everyone said.

'I think this is a good time...' Sunghee started and got choked up again in her ow tears, 'that I tell you something. Once upon a time, a normal girl went to a normal school met so many great friend. She met and was dating a handsome, cute, loving, caring and amazing boyfriend. But unfortunately...' Sunghee's eyes started to stream tears but she continued while holding Jimin's hand, the other members looked sad as Sunghee continued her story. 'she has cancer...' Then Sunghee was cut off by the members.

'What!' Everyone shouted.

'Calm down,' Then Sunghee pulled the two person next to them. Then they sat back down. Everyone shot a look at Sunghee.

'Sunghee are you telling us...' Suga asked,

'That you have cancer?' J-Hope. Sunghee inhaled and then nodded. They were then a little bit sad but before the got any gloomier Sunghee suggested,

'Let's go meet up with my house hold,' Sunghee then stood up, the others did too. Sunghee then did a group hug. Some of them were even crying, Sunghee then wiped the then wiped the tears of their face.

'Now let's spend the remaining time together, as one.' Sunghee said then they left the BTS dorm and went to Sunghee's house.

The arrived at Sunghee's house and everyone gathered at the lounge.

'Ella, could you please tell them now, it got worse.' Sunghee commanded Ella nodded.

'Everyone maybe the BTS members know already but, Sunghee has cancer, to be exact a brain tumour,' The house hold shot a look at Sunghee, Sunghee just looked down.

'Is this true?' Edmond asked. Sunghee nodded. Then that night they spent it on trying to take it all in. Jimin stayed at Sunghee's room the rest went back to their own dorms. 

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