"Not until it's cool with our brothers aight." I said kissing her cheeking. "You mind taking care of my clothes for me? Thanks your the best." I said pinching her chin then walking out, leaving her trying to figure out what happened............

A couple hours later I was awaken by the sounds of someone banging on my door, I walked out from the bedroom and opened the door to find Devin, Sa'vion and Legacy all standing there looking at me.

"Wake your ass up." Sa'vion said brushing past me and sitting on the couch, I noticed a bunch of bags in there hands and wondered what was going on.

"I thought we were going to the Waffle House?" I asked stifling a yawn.

"We are but the best way to enjoy the Waffle House is to be extremely drunk." Legacy said smirking as he pulled out bottle after bottle. "Don't worry Devin doesn't drink and he's kindly decided to be our ride....... so pick your poison." Legacy said grabbing a bottle of Henny, I reached for the bottle of tequila but he quickly pushed it away.

"Not that one..... that's for Cam." Devin said quietly. I elected for the Crown instead and we started drinking, something I noticed whenever we went out was Devin would always order a drink but he'd never drink it now I see why, he was ordering it for his..... our brother and I could see just how much he missed him and I couldn't help but be slightly jealous at how close they all were.

"Ayy is someone knocking on the door." Sa'vion said after we were half way through our bottles. I stumbled to the door opening it up to find Vanessa standing there with my basket of clothes all folded nice and neat.

"Thanks ma....." I said slightly slurring my word, Vanessa didn't speak she just handed me the basket and walked away I watched her progress down the hall making  a note of which door she went into  before smiling and going back inside.

"Yo she must be feeling you....... to be doing your laundry and shyt." Sa'vion said laughing, I shrugged and sat back down. "Now that we're all good and drunk let's go eat........"

The next day I was sitting with Khalil and Noah, we were still trying to feel each other out. But I could see he was growing used to me being around and honestly I could see myself staying a little bit longer..........

"You coming to the game tomorrow night?" Noah asked. "I don't play but Saint and Mario both play, they're the only freshmen to start on the varsity team." Noah said.

"I guess I could pop up, is Milan going to be there?" I asked smiling as I remembered how good she was at suc.........

"I don't know, I don't really talk to Timika like that." Noah said and I shrugged.

"Noah why don't you go check on your brothers........" Khalil said and Noah got up walking upstairs quickly. "So I heard you stopped by Zyshaun's office the other day."

"Is that a question?" I asked looking in his eyes.

"No..... I just wanted to know what y'all talked about." Khalil said and I looked out the window.

"Vanessa mostly....... I told him I wouldn't fuck with her unless y'all were both coo with it. The last thing I want is to cause you any problems....... you've been through enough." I said quietly.

"Is that all y'all talked about?" Khalil asked and I got pissed.

"If you wanna ask me something just do it, there's no point in beating around the bush about so wassup?" I asked standing up.

"Calm down kid...... I was just curious about what and Zyshaun discussed no need to get defensive." Khalil said not flinching, I sat back down and started watching the screen. "You know you can talk to me about anything right? I know we haven't known each other long but we're still brothers........." Khalil said and I felt guilty about not telling him but at the same time the less he knew the better.

"Nah everything is coo, I gotta take this." I said getting up and walking outside. "Wassup Justice?" I asked nervously.

"Nigga I haven't heard from you I was just checking to make sure you were alright." Justice said and I smiled, this nigga really was like my little brother.

"I'm good my fam is coo as fuck, you'll definitely have to come down here once things cool down back home....... speaking of which have you heard anything?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah that's the reason I called it seems like everything is good, I was thinking about heading back home I was just going to wait until you did." Justice said and now I had a decision to make, I could either stay here and continue to get to know my family or I could go back to the only life I knew. I knew whatever I chose I had to make my decision quick before things got complicated.....................................

Homecoming Pt.4Where stories live. Discover now