Voices, figures and death. ConnorxReader part 4

शुरू से प्रारंभ करें:

"Murph look." You say like a child.

He just sighed and smiled.

He didn't understand you, but he found you definitely amusing.

Your uneven weight made it hard for Connor to carry you after about five minutes of you hanging upside down.

He inched his hand until you laying back how you where.

You pressed your head contently to Connors chest, listening to his heartbeat as you fell asleep soon afterward.

This sight was not drawing attention to them.

A girl slumped into a man's arms with another man walking next to him, you unconscious along with cuts on your face, hands and feet, barefoot and in rigidy cloths.

Connor and Murphy did their best to just ignore the people and get around quickly.

After a few hours of walking, they had over heard about this big meeting thing going on between a couple of jackasses later that night.

They where going to have to get you to find a way to get you all weapons before the day ended.

They, by some miracle, also heard where these people where having it.

You woke up in a shabby back ally with the boys doing something near you.

"Hey" You say, fully awake.

"Aye, good that yer up. We need ya to get us into here and get us weapons before tonight." Murphy said, handing you a note with an address.

"Alright. There is a weapon supplier about ten minutes from here lets go." You say and they glance at each other.

"How do ya know that? Do ya know where we are?" Connor questioned for both of them.

"Ya. Common." You say, getting up and they follow behind you.

And, sure enough, an armory was about ten minutes away from you guys.

Your plan was simple but wasn't okay for them.

Your plan was to just walk in, kill the people in there and take what you guys needed, but that wasn't how they did it.

For almost an hour, they had gotten enough money and misc things to trade for a couple guns each.

You, though, did not want any of it other than two throwing knifes.

You guys walked out, all the weapons concealed and headed for the destination.

At about 9:57PM you guys got there.

You snuck into the building and went into back doors to the control room, finding them on the ninth floor you all headed off secretly to the floor.

There was one particular man you guys where after, the leader. Also to kill all the other ones.

Once you guys got to the doors for the ninth floor and you all were ready, the doors flew open and instantly took out three of the men.

You threw one of the knifes, hitting your target right in his head and killing him instantly.

You found this very fun, which disturbed them slightly.

"wowho!" You say and throw your next one before running right into the line of fire and jumping onto one of the people, snapping his neck instantly while the boys worked on other men away from you.

You grabbed your knifes and put them to the main mans throat, threatening to kill him if he even breathed.

Once the boys where done, they walked over to him.

Connor/Murphy x Reader One Shots (Requests open)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें