Chapter 6

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Tatiana POV

  We rode in silence for about 10 minutes before we reached a wooded area. I stiffened in my seat at the thought of going into a wooded area with a stranger. Yea I know I hear what he's saying about this mate thing but I don't know this man. As if sensing my hesitation he says "Don't worry I would never do anything to hurt you my Little Luna."

 Luna? I've heard the term before if I'm not mistaken its the Goddess of the Moon. An interesting term of endearment. 

 "Why are we in the woods?" I ask nervously. 

 "Here is where I will answer all of your question," he replied, "as well as show you when you ask me to."

 "What is there to show me shouldn't your answer be good enough," I asked him looking him square in those piercing eyes. 

 "Not for you Tatiana I know that your inquistive mind will want to more wants I answer your questions." He replied. "Come on I'm ready." He opened his door and got out while I watched scared out of my mind about the idea of getting out this car. I slowly get unlatch my seatbelt and open my door. The night has gotten a little colder or maybe it was just me shaking like a leaf at the thought of what was going on around me. We walked for about five minutes before we stopped at a bench. A bench? In the middle of nowhere? Who the hell put a bench out here?

 "I did" he replied "I like to come out here from time to time and just sit in quietness enjoying nature."

 "Thats not something that I expected of you," I spoke after his statment sunk in. Trying not to think about the fact that I hadn't spoken a word of that out loud. 

"Well I guess I'll began," he spoke.

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