Chapter 5

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Sorry for taking so long with the update. Been working alot. Gots to get my money!! lol. Here

Corbin POV

  "Let's go, " she said after the last bite of her dessert. "Tell me how you know I'm your mate? "

  "Let's go for a ride, " I said slowly rising while throwing a few bills on the table for our dinner.

  "What? No. You said you would tell me over dinner," she replied looking at me through slits.

 "I'm going to tell you everything you want to know Tatiana," I responded. "But once I tell you you're going to want me to prove it."

 "I don't understand. What are you talking about? Prove it? What kind of weird stuff are you into?" She replied looking a little nervous.

 "Something you probably couldn't picture in your wildest dreams my dear are you going to come with me or no?" I asked her reaching out for her hand. She stared at it for moment and than put her hand in mine. I looked down at her soft small hand in mine and it hit me hard at how much this little woman meant to me. Its only been 2 hours since I laid eyes on her and she was already the center of world. I have to make her understand this. "You better" my wolf screamed.

 "Alright I'll go. But I want you to know that I am extremely curious and I want to know what is going on," she said while giving my hand a tight squeeze.

"Is that a technique you do will your kids," I asked her amused.

"What?" she asked looking slightly confused.

"Squeeze their little hands when they're not acting accordingly," I asked jokingly. A sound so wonderful swept the through the air. She's laughing?

"No, I don't do that to them I just put them in timeout or make them write fifty sentences," she said after catching her breath. "I only do that to mysterious men that I meet on a blind dates that tell me I'm there mate," she said looking pointedly at me while sliding her round ass into the passenger seat. I groaned at the sight.

"You'll find out soon enough. Where I am taking you is only ten minutes away. Can you be patient?' I asked her knowing the answer would be 'no'.

" I work with 9 and 10 year olds, Corbin, ten minutes should be a breeze," she said. "Just DON'T make me wait any longer because with the kids I'm usually waiting for silence. Me being someone's  MATE doesn't compare."

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