Chapter 37: Facing Nightmares

Start from the beginning

I got in my whip and took off even though I know I knocked him clean out. Fuck, I'm turning back into angry Breslin. Thinking these dreams only to be faced with a nightmare. This isn't good....God please let my baby girls be ok. Suddenly, my phone rang and I remembered who I left a voicemail for earlier. Oh perfect....

I picked up my phone preparing for the conversation I was about to have. I only had this number in the event of an emergency, "Yes, uhm Mrs. Young, I mean Mrs. Lue, I see you got my voicemail....."

(Back to Mackenzie's POV)


I hear constant water droplets and feel cold concrete beneath me as I begin to wake up. I gasp for air as I remember what happened. The stadium went dark, I have a gun to my back, and I'm being forced to put on a horrible wig, an oversized t-shirt dress, and a change of shoes. Also, we make our way out the row and end up going to another section to sit, still the entire time with a gun to my back and threats to the people I love. I knew agents were going come, but nobody.

Rock knew everything.....He knew everything about everyone in my life here in California. He said he could make things look like accidents and I believed him as he spoke with a brash tone. I couldn't see any one of the crew or another one of Breslin's family members hurt. He even threatened Lori, Zerin, and their baby boy on the way. I couldn't let that happen so I stayed seated until halftime. We left like normal spectators and I just knew someone was coming to get me, but no one. We went to an underground parking lot by Staples and next thing you know, I'm hit in the head with the butt of the gun, everything went dark, and now here I am.

I open my eyes and see a dark room with one desk lamp on and I see hardware tools on the wall. I must be in a garage or shed of some sort. I have a massive headache and try to rub my forehead, but realize my hands are cold and tied to a metal pole while my legs are loose. Where am I? I want to call out, but I'm afraid. But I think my movement struck someone's attention, and I knew who that someone was as soon as I heard the words leave their sick mouth.

"Hi Mackenzie". My body stilled.


She stepped into the light and the once thick, happy friend I knew, now looked frail and depressed.

I cut my eyes at her, and if looks could kill, she'd be in hell burning right now. "You not happy to see your best friend?" She said it as if she really meant it, something is wrong with her. I stayed silent. "You don't have to talk to me-"

"I ain't got shit to say to you bitch".

"Ooooh, look who got a personality now? Come to California and found yourself, look at you". I didn't reply. "Well, it's ok bet you won't be quiet when X comes". She began to walk away, but I had to ask.

"Why are you doing this?"

She stayed quiet for a minute before speaking, "Growing up with you was hell! You had everything! You had all the clothes and shoes, but didn't want them. You complained about going on vacations, and I tagged along like the third fucking wheel. You could pull any boy and not even try! You got the boy I liked since the 3rd grade and all you had to do was like somebody else! Summer before 12th grade, I told X he'd never be happy with you so I fucked him so good to make him start disrespecting you. I set you up to get raped Mackenzie, told him you deserved it. Your life has always been perfect! So what your daddy died? I never knew mine and my Momma is fucking dying from breast cancer and yours gets to live! This shit isn't fair! Then you come out here and get everything too?! You don't deserve it!" She screamed furiously into my ear as I was awestruck.


I was taken aback by what someone I considered my best friend for so long just said. My Mom was right, she was jealous of me, and I never suspected it. To know the person I confided in about Xavier, was the one initiating the pain was the ultimate betrayal. However, I never knew her Mom got diagnosed with breast cancer either. I still feel sympathy for this broad and she talking like I was Regina George. I shared everything with Yamonie and this is how she really felt. I couldn't believe this....

She regained composure, "Nothing to say again? Ok. I'll be back". She started walking towards a door to leave and when it opened I got a glimpse of two things; I was probably somewhere near a beach because I smelled the ocean and in a ball about three feet away from me was Lovie. Yamonie left and the room was once again black with just the single dim desk light.

Lovie was alive, barely....

She was breathing shallowly and looked cold with chapped lips wearing the same clothes she was taken in, but torn. I broke out in a whimper when I saw the blue and black bruise on her face and marks around her neck. I can only imagine what her body can look like. Lord, why? She never did nothing to nobody, a true angel. "Lovie? Oh my God Lovie. I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry".

I tried to reach my legs out to touch her but I was too far. I was still crying until I heard a small distressed sound, "Mackie, is that you?"

"Yes! Yes! It's me!" I started crying, but I had to make sure she was ok, not for myself, but for Breslin. Oh Breslin baby, where are you? "It's going to be ok. Did he-did he touch you?"

"No. But, but I was talking too much, I think my jaw and a couple of ribs are broke. He's horrible Mackie", she said with a shudder I was familiar with.

"I'm so sorry. I know he is, but everything is going be ok. I know it. I'm sorry you got involved in this, he's a bitch for doing this".

Suddenly, that same door opened and it was as if all the blood left my body and I fainted while looking at the eyes that tormented me throughout the past couple of years.

There he personal nightmare.....

Please let me wake up from this, please let this just be fake, but this wasn't. It was real, I was face to face again with Xavier Cornelius Ward.....

"Now Mackenzie baby, is that anyway to talk about your first love?"
Short chapter to get the next one going!
Finally! We have Xavier! (Sorry all my AA fans)
Let me know what you think!
Breslin's "family"?
What is Breslin going do?

Thanks all my readers for the votes, comments, reads, etc.

Keep it up! Almost at 4K!!!!!!
Writing Chapter 38!

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