Chapter 25

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I spent my final week of summer with Grey and Banjo. If I wasn't with them I was helping mother in the kitchen. It was easier to avoid Isaak this way. Of course, I still saw him but it was only for brief moments or at meal time. It helps that father has been keeping everyone busy trying to prepare for the upcoming sales and school. 

Throughout the week I began to get nervous. What Clayton had said finally sunk into my head. I don't believe for a second that Isaak will help father but it's not something I would put past him. He's not someone that I've known for years.

Before I walked down to the bus I checked on Grey. She still stood under her shed eating her breakfast. It helped calm my nerves to know she still stood before me. With a sigh, I walked down to wait for the bus.


My day was excruciating. Each class seemed to drag by. The next one longer than the last. It doesn't help that my only friend here is Clayton and for some reason of torture our schedules happened to be the complete opposite.

By the time I climbed onto the bus I was exhausted. Despite being tired I was nervous for what waited for me at home. Would she still be there waiting for me? I sure hoped so.

When I reached home the sky was beginning to darken with storm clouds, hiding the sun. Everything around me seemed gray, as if to tell me I should be worried. Clayton didn't speak the whole walk up the driveway, but when I glanced at him, his face was one of worry.

In the distance I could see the trucks of our employees parked. There didn't appear to be anything unusual. Despite my internal stuggle to see Grey I knew it was best to go to inside and see mom. Mother greeted me on the porch and ushered me in the house claiming she needed some help. With the promise of cookies I hesitantly agreed and put aside my need to check on Grey. 

By the time I finished helping it was nearly dark out and time to feed the horses. Quickly, I threw hay over the fence for the paddock horses, and gave cups of grain to the few who resided in the stalls before I made my way down to where Grey was at. 

Nervousness coursed through my veins with the words Clayton told me flying through my head. My mind began to make up scenarios of what wpuld await me. My life without Grey would be dull. Of course there would still be moments that I would love, but she makes me love waking up in the morning to face a new day. If there was no Grey my life would literally become gray.

When I rounded the corner I saw her form standing in the shadows. The breath I was holding released. Knowing she was still here I allowed myself to relax. She nickers gently as I approach.

It eases my nerves somewhat to know she was still here. However it confuses me as to why Clayton would tell me something that wasn't true.

I sit underneath the run-in shed listening to Grey eat her hay. Underneath the moonlight she appears to be a ghost. She blows out heavily and I smile. There isn't any place I'd rather be and I hope it will be like this for a long time.

I lay with her until the last possible moment and then some. By the time I convince myself to leave it's nearly midnight. With a soft kiss to her nose and a whispered "I love you" I slip back through the fence.

I decided against going through the front door and instead went through my window. Luckily, no one will question how I got in since I used to do this all the time.

The house was completely silent so I snuck down to the bathroom as quietly as possible to shower. After my shower I brushed my teeth and then snuck back. After I closed my door and turned off the lights I climbed into bed.

I laid there for what felt like forever. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't shake mmy unease. All my fears about losing Grey crept to the surface. Every moment I spent with her flashed behind my closed lids, even the darker ones from when she was lost. Eventually, my mind found peace and aloud me to sleep. However, I wasn't asleep long before someone was shaking me awake.

"Kory!" It was spoken urgently. "Kory! Get up!" There it was again. A voice laced with so much desperation. I peeled open my eyes only to see it was still completely dark out. I could barely see the shape of someone next to my bed, their hand still laid on my shoulder.

"What?" I groan. It is too early for this.

"Kor," the voice belongs to Clayton...I think, "It's Grey."

Suddenly, I wasn't so tired. My mind began to rush. "What about her?!"

"They're taking her."

"What? Who?"

For a second it was completely silent. "Just...come on." My hand was grabbed and I was ripped to my feet. A hoodie was shoved into my hands before I was rushed out my door and down the hall.

I wasn't prepared for the sight that awaited me oustide. The sky was darker with clouds and my eyes stuggled to against the lack of light. In the distance, a truck was park outside of Grey's paddock. Hooked up to it was a stock trailer.

My feet move without me telling them to. I try to make out the different faces but to no avail. Then I see a ghostly figure and immediately I know it's her. I was frozen in my tracks.

From here I can tell she can't keep still. Too much too soon. She can't tell what's going on and I know she is terrified. There was sharp sound of a whip and she leaps forwards, stumbling along the way. Anger began to boil just beneath my skin. How dare they!

I break into a run towards them. There was no way I would let them take her without a fight. I worked way to hard for the both of us for it all to be taken away.

I only took a few bounding steps before an arm wrapped itself around my waist. My body jerked back. Hard. When I steadied myself I turned around ready for a fight. My glare was meet with Clayton's.

He didn't give me long to say anything before he pushed me behind one the many trucks parked. He gently put a finger to his lips and ushered for me to stay still. However, I still spoke.

"What the hell?"

"Kor, hush."

"Hush! You can't tell me to hush. They have my horse out there and all you want to do is hide? We should be out there saving her right now!" I harshly whispered.

He glaced at me. "Do you trust me?"

"I did. Now I think your siding with them."

"Close enough. I have a plan to get your horse back, but you have to trust me." I stared at him for a few moments. Could I really trust him? He is my best friend of many years. I know him better than anybody else. Slowly, I nodded.

He gave a small grin which I barely was able to make out in the dark. "Okay, here's what I was thinking."


It feels like for freaking ever since I updated. I just haven't had a heck ton of time or ideas. However, I have added to this a little every week. That counts for something, right?

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