Chapter 16- Work

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I woke up with a blanket draped over me and the tv off. Turning over, I look at the digital clock under my tv, 5:45. Slowly I stand and stretch.

I lift my arms over my head, "oh god!" I bite my lip and grip my side from the intense pain that runs up my side. I sit on the edge of my bed for a few seconds to allow the pain to ease a little. When it becomes more bearable I stand. I walk to my closet and grab a pair of jeans with holes and a grey cutoff shirt. I grab a sports bra out of my drawer and change.

The house is silent meaning everyone is probably out doing their own thing. I pop some pain medication into my mouth and grab a water from the fridge.

As I open the door I can barely see all the ranch hands out gathering horses through the fog. Breathing in deeply, the fresh smell of outside as well as the smell of horses meet my nose. It makes me smile.

I walk across the yard to the barn and grab a small cup of grain for Grey. She waits by the gate when I bring her her grain. I dump it in the bucket.

In the barn I throw the the cup back in the bin when a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"Good morning," Clayton says.

"Morning." I try not to let the pain on my side show.

He releases his grip a bit. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"Kory tell me what's wrong."

Should I tell him?

I sigh. "Ok....don't freak out."

He gives me a questioning look, "ok."



"Well," I begin. "Yesterday morning I decided to see how Grey rides."

"Kory! Please tell me you didn't." I shrug. "Let me see the damage."

"What? No!"


"Cause I'm fine."

"I hear the pain."

I stick my tongue out at him. "You cannot hear pain." I twist out his grasp and walk out of the barn.

Banjo is waiting by the gate for his grain. I smile and grab his halter deciding I should ride him. He eagerly places his face in his halter.

"Come on, baby." I coo. He shakes his head. "What? No nicknames," I laugh.

I clip him into the cross ties. While I brush him clean I allow him to have a small cup of grain. When he finishes eating I get his saddle from the tack room. Gently, I place it onto his back with his blue saddle pad. I throw his bridle on my shoulder, and my helmet on my head, and lead him out.

As I walk to the arena I realize I never took Grey out of it. I smack my palm onto my forehead. I glance around looking for a spot where I could safely work him.

I hesitantly walk to the round pens. I let him go in the first one and lunge him in both directions. When I'm sure he's a little tired I swap his halter for his bridle. Carefully, I lead him out and throw his halter on the ground. I tighten his cinch and buckle my helmet.

Placing my foot in the stirrup, I hop a couple of times before I bounce over onto his back. Slowly, I gather my reins in my head and ask him to walk. I smile when nothing goes wrong. And then we're off to cautiously explore the yard.


Isaak POV

I slowly open my eyes, looking around my heart starts to beat faster. My eyes land on Kory who is curled up on a bean bag next to me. Smiling, I lean over and brush a strand of hair behind her ear.

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