Chapter 18- Choices

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I wake up tired from staying up most of the night once again. Clayton went back to his cabin around 11 because he had to wake up early to work, so, I played till 2 by myself. That was not the smartest thing for me to do.

I drag myself to the shower and hop in. The cool air that hit me after I got out of my warm shower woke me up a little more. Then after I get dress, then walk outside where the cool air raises goose bumps.

As I near the dining hall I can smell delicious pancakes and bacon. My stomach grumbles as I rush there, eager for breakfast. Everyone is sitting around the table talking quietly. Their eyes travel to me as I sit down.

Glaring at them a little I ask, "what?"

"Your father wants to talk to you." Clayton says.

"Ok." I reach across the table to grab a pancake but before I grab it I look up. "Why are you still staring at me?"

"He wants to see you now," Clayton tells me once more.

"Like right now?"

"Yes." I groan. I draw my hand back from the pancake and forcefully push my chair back. I stomp my way out to his office. Before I go in I knock. He mutters a gruff "come in." Slowly, I make my way to a chair that is placed in front of his desk. "Sit." I sit.

Silently, I sit there, unwilling to say the first word. He looks me over taking in my appearance, judging me because I am not what he wants. I'm not like the stable hands that bend under his command, I fight back.

"I need to discuss something with you." Oh, really. "It's about your horse."

"Oh? Which one?" My unhappiness clear in my voice.

"Both. I feel as if your not devoting enough of your time to their training."

I give him attitude as I say, "but I have been."

"No, you have not," he looks so calm about this, "you have been spending an increasing amount of time with Clayton and our new stable hand, Isaak."

"So, I'm not aloud to talk to them?"

"Not until you can prove to me that you can handle working with two horses."

I raise my voice. "I'm not going to choose between my friends and my horses!"

"You have to." He's unaffected by my shouting.

"You cannot make me chose." I spit out. Turning on my heel I make my way to the door.

"Kory! Do not walk out!" I ignore him. "I will fire both of them!" I freeze.

"You can't."

"But I can. I'm their boss remember."

I turn towards him, "you cannot fire them because of me! That is unfair!"

"But I can and I will if I have, too. Your responsibilities come before your friends. If you continue to let them get in the way I will sell both of your horses."

"I hate you!"

"No, you don't."

"Oh, but I do." I rush put through the door and run to the barn. Tears stream down my face as I lock myself in the huge broodmare stall in the back. I cry to myself, frustrated and upset that I'm forced to choose between the things I love.

As my tears dry and my thoughts clear I realize that I don't have to choose. If I work hard enough I can do both. Work with one horse in the morning, and one horse in the afternoon. This way I can talk to both Isaak and Clayton before, between, and after I work with my horses. Determination runs through my veins as I leave the stall and make my way towards the take room. I sling Banjo's halter over my shoulder; making my way to his paddock to give him a morning work out.


An: So this is a little shorter.

What do you think of  Kory's dad making her choose?

Make a good day.

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