Reality Hits...

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Ray: Calm down baby

Meesha: No he thinks I forgot what happened that night

Meesha’s Mom: Hey sweetheart

Meesha: Momma why is he answering your phone I thought you left him already!

MM: See baby that’s what I wanted to talk to you about

Meesha: (sighs) Which is?

MM: Meesha I know you and your dad have had some bad times but you have to forgive him… like I have

Meesha: And why should I?

MM: Because Meesha! Just because!



Meesha: Don’t you- H-he I-I (breathing heavily)

Ray: Oh My God!

Meesha: M-mom (drops phone)

Ray: Meesh? MEESHA! (picks up phone) Sorry Mrs. Anderson she’s kind of frozen

(Prod POV)

I just wanted to keep Rebecca a secret for as long as I could. I cared about Cali so much and the less she knew about this chick the better it would be. I even went as far as to delete that crazed message she sent me when she tried to kill Cali. See no one but Ray knows what happened that night for me to hate her so much no one!

(1 Year ago)

Ray: Okay so we have a show later

Prod: Awe man I’m too tired

Prince: It’s okay I’ll take your spot

Roc: Yea if you could sing

Prince: I sooo can sing!

Rebecca: Not like my baby you cant

Prod: Heyyy baby girl what’s up!

Rebecca: Eh just woke up! Morning gang

Prince: Beccanator!

Roc: What it do becca

Ray: (thinking) Ugh I hate her!

Rebecca: Hello Ray

Ray: Prod I’m out to the shower

Prod: Come onnnn Ray don’t be like that

Ray: I already told you I hate that she devil!

Rebecca: Ugh let him go baby

Ray: How about you go Rebecca! Just leave and never come back (gets in her face) Disappear after all it’s what you’re good at isn’t it

Rebecca: What’s that supposed to mean Ray

Ray: That you need to tell Prod where you keep running off to every night

Prince: Whoa what?!

Prod: Ray what are you talking about

Roc: Um Prince I think it’s about that time we leave

Prince: One step ahead of you dude! How about we head out to the park

Rebecca: Ray what are talking about?

Ray: Oh so now you don’t know huh? Who is Travante?

Rebecca: (speechless)

Prod: Well?

Rebecca: Prod baby I- (door knocks) I’LL GET IT!

Ray: Tuh! Wow!

Prod: Ray is she creeping?

Ray: Yes! I followed her one night and- (Hears Gunshot)

Prod: The hell was that!!


??: So this is the famous Prodigy! She talks about you all the time

Prod: Becca! Baby! You okay? You shot her!!!!

??: I told her! Its you or her

Ray: Who the hell are you?

?? Trevante! Her man! I gave her the option. I told her its either you die or she dies. She just made it hard for herself. But since she wants to be such a bad girl and not follow my commands I think I’ll just take you both out

Ray: Over my dead body! You will NOT take my best friend

Prod: Ray naw man she (looks in disgust) and you can turn back around and get out my house!

Trevante: No can do (pulls trigger)

Ray: NO!!!!

Prod: RAY!

Ray: (coughs up blood)

I almost lost my best friend that day. I was debating whether or not I should just save him or take a chance and save this traitor I called my girlfriend. I might as well leave her and let her die

Rebecca: (coughs) P-prod! P-please don’t- don’t leave me here

My heart broke for her. She was my everything. Well back then she was. I choose them both but I only left that hospital with one, my best friend. I didn’t care what happened to her after that and me and Ray swore never to talk about it to anyone…

I Choose YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin