Chapter 41: One Last Time

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Ashton + rose = a good ass fucking idea i'm blessed

i've been really angry this past week lol and i'm trying not to write out of anger but i probably failed so sorry in advance

a/n: hey i just noticed that auto correct changed all my dave's to david so if you still see david refresh the story

okay on with the chapter

I wouldn't talk

I won't.

I don't wanna be here, he doesn't deserve the pleasure of me going along with this stupid idea.

You sound like a spoiled brat.

Shut up.

He isn't even trying to make me talk, when I wouldn't answer his questions, he stopped asking and spent the time writing something down on his stupid clipboard.

What could he possibly be writing, I'm not even doing anything.

I don't ask him though, I let the minutes last by as I pick off the paint on my nails out of habit.

"Well, see you Friday, Tiffany." He says as he stands before walking me to the day, not mentioning how we spent the time today.

I don't reply.

The boys got me two days a week to see the therapist so I'm assuming they think I'm really crazy.

Last time I had what you could consider a therapist was when we first found out I had mental illnesses.

The organization eventually ended them because it was too much money and it wasn't even helping.

Just like today, I wouldn't talk.

I am still and will remain, fucked up.

The boys don't like when I say that, they don't like a lot of things I say recently.

They got a therapist for me so they wouldn't have to hear the depressing stuff, looks like I let them down again.

I went to one more concert and then they flew me home after I had another anxiety attack during Amnesia.

Now the only time I see them is through a shitty webcam.

It sucks.

Dylan came back with me but Abbey stayed, well I basically forced her too.

She wanted to come but I told her she isn't stepping foot onto a plane without the boys, and I wouldn't let her argue.

I told her she shouldn't come back just because I'm messed up.

She frowned at that but instead of saying anything, she hugged me.

A hug that said, 'don't say that about yourself'.

I think I like it better when those words are given out in hugs.

"Hey." Dylan says as he climbs out of the car slightly to wave at me.

I walk over to the passengers seat and yank on the door, climbing in quickly as Dylan starts the car.

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