Chapter 29: How We Gonna Fix This?

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I'm just kidding it's a normal chapter.

I apologize for any hopes that I have crushed.

Warning: there's gonna be a lot of gifs in the chapter because I learned how to add them so yeah prepare yourself.


There's a big difference between the hospital during the day and the hospital during the night.

At night, it's kinda relaxing, peaceful, quiet.

It's much better than when it's daytime and suddenly there's a billion things to do and people are being rushed around and now every second of the day courts.

Expect for now, because right now I'm wishing that the doctor would rush his little old ass over here and tell us Michael just fell and everything's fine and all the process that he's made is not gone.

Because I don't think we can take it if all the process if gone.

As if he heard me, the doctor walks out of Michael's room and shoots us a small smile, preparing to tell us information.

"So let's begin, Michael seems to have accidentally overdosed on alcohol. We deem it as an accident because until he wakes up, we don't know if it was an attempted suicide or not. We pumped his stomach and he's perfectly fine, he might have some stomach pains for the next few hours but other than that, he's good. We will discharge him tomorrow, we feel that he should stay here overnight, because we don't know if it was an attempted suicide and we want to monitor his sleep."

We sit in silence for a moment, processing what the doctor just said.

"Can we see him?" Calum desperately asks, not caring if Michael is awake or not.

The doctor nods before moving to the right slightly and giving us a full view of the door.

Calum instantly jumps out of his chair and rushes into the room, worried about the man he loves.

"I'll go after him." I speak up, wanting to see Michael too.

The boys nod and I stand to my feet, still in my blue dress.

I exchange smiles with George before stepping into Michael's room and glances at his face before looking over at Calum.

Calum's lips are parted as he stares down at his best friend, and I'm wondering what's going through his mind.

"Think if I kiss him he'll wake up?"

I smile at his reference to sleeping beauty, glad to get rid of some of the heavy tension.

"Might not work with gay people."

Calum rolls his eyes at my mock insult before smiling lightly and slightly leaning away from Michael's bed.

"I miss him. He's sleeping right next to me, and I still miss him." Calum speaks, bringing the attention back to Michael.

"Well in your defense, you love him. And you guys haven't been together."

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