Chapter 20

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"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" Cory yelled at Riley. They were back home after the convention. Cory had gathered everyone around in the living room to discus this situation. "This is none of your bussines" Riley snapped. Cory was taken back by her words. "Excuse you! You're the one dating our enemy! Riley ever since you were born you knew nothing more then the Friars being complete jerks!" Cory snapped at her. Riley jumped up. "Yeah well up until this year I didn't even know them. Lucas is an amazing guy. He's really nice and if you weren't so occupied with the bussines you'd know that" riley said while tears in her eyes. "I thought we raised you better" Cory yelled angry. "I though you two were understanding and supportive!" Riley yelled as well. Cory scoffed. "Not in situations like this Riley!" He crossed her arms. "I love him, what are you gonna do about it?" She asked. Cory cocked an eyebrow. "What am I gonna do about it?" He chuckled evil. "You're grounded for the rest of the school year and you're never seeing that boy again do you understand me!" Cory yelled out. Riley stomped her foot loud and ran off to her room. Cory groaned and fell onto the white leather couch.

The next morning Topanga came knocking on Riley's door. There was no answer and Topanga sighed. "Riley sweety, I know you're angry. But you know how feet up your father is when it's about the Friars" Topanga said. "You'll get over him fast don't worry about it" she assured Riley. There still was no answer and Topanga turned the doorknob. To her surprise it was open. "Riley?" She walked into the room and saw that it was empty. "Honey?" She walked towards her daughters bathroom but noticed no one was there as well. Suddenly she noticed that Riley's silver suitcase had disappeared from the corner of her room. Topanga widened her eyes and opened the closet. Half of Riley's wardrobe was gone. "Cory!" Topanga yelled out.

" not in the pool" Victoria said coming back into the living room. "Not in the movie room" Harold said. "Not at any of his friends" Emily said hanging up on her last call. "Oh god, he ran away didn't he?" Victoria said worried. "Of course not, Lucas doesn't have the balls to run away" Emily said shaking her head. Emily's phone went off again and it was an unknown number. She frowned and answered it. "Hello?" She widened her eyes when she heard who it was. "How did you get my number?" Harold and Vitoria came closer. "What?" Emily suddenly said. "No she's not here. In fact Lucas is gone as well" Emily said turning to her parents. "Ok, thanks for calling" Emily hung up. "who was that?" Victoria asked. "It was Mrs. Matthews. Riley's gone as well" Harold and Victoria widened their eyes. "Call the police, they definitly ran off" Harold demanded. Emily nodded and dialed the number. "Tori, we are gonna drive around New York" Mrs. Friar nodded and took the car keys. "Em, once you've called the cops go to all of Lucas his friends and make sure they're not lying" Emily obeyed and mr. And Mrs. Friar ran out.

Riley stared out the window of Lucas his car. The mountains were passing by quickly. They had bin driving all night. They decided to go as far as they could. They took all the money they had and left. If their parents didn't respect them, then they're better off without them. Riley still wasn't sure if they did the right thing. Sure she loves Lucas but her parents must be worried. They'll be pissed when they get back but the more time she could spend with Lucas the better. Who knows it would be the last time. "We're almost there" Lucas said. The sun beamed above them as they drove into Austin. Oh yeah. They went to Texas. "Are you sure your pappy Joe won't tell anyone were with him?" Riley asked. Lucas nodded. "I trust him. He'll understand us" Riley smiled and looked out the window. Lucas was holding Riley's hand the entire ride and sometimes kissed her fingertips. His caressing on her knuckled made Riley calm down. She had slept most of the ride. They'd only stop to eat or get gas. Lucas fixated on the road and turnt into an alleyway. "There it is" Lucas pointed at a ranch in a far distance. Riley smiled and sat up. After a few minutes Lucas drove onto the drive way and parked in front of the house. An old man was sitting on the porch swing smoking a pipe when the couple got out of the car. "I was expecting you" Pappy Joe said. Lucas glanced at Riley who had a worried look on her face. "How?" Lucas asked. "Your father called, he's not too happy and asked me to call if I hear from you" pappy Joe stood up. "But don't worry, you two need your space." Riley smiled. "You don't hate me?" She asked. Pappy Joe laughed. "Hate you? Why would I hate the girl that makes my grandson happy" Riley smiled and introduced herself to the man. "You know what I do hate? The feud between your family and ours. I mean look at what they've done" Lucas grasped Riley's hand. "Is it ok if we stay here for a while. Well make sure that we'll get back by the time school starts again from spring break" Lucas said. Pappy Joe nodded. "Make yourself at home" he opened his arms and Riley stepped onto the porch. "Thank you sir" pappy Joe embraced Riley and Lucas opened the door. "Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit"

After Lucas and Riley settled for a movie in Riley's room, Riley fell asleep very fast. Lucas have her a soft peck on the head before slipping from under her. He replaced himself with a pillow and walked out into the living room. The only light came from the porch where his pappy Joe was sitting again. Lucas walked outside and sat down on the bench. "She's special" pappy Joe suddenly said. Lucas nodded while looking up to the sky. "She's wonderful" he added. "Did you overthink your relationship a lot?" Pappy Joe asked. Lucas shook his head. "All I wanted was to be with her" pappy Joe nodded approving. "Just like grandma Anna" Lucas smiled at the memory of his grandmother. "Riley reminds me of your grandma" pappy Joe said. "We were your age when we fell in love. When I knew. I knew and I have her this ring" pappy Joe took out a small box and opens it. A beautiful diamond ring appeared ans Lucas was stunned. "I proposed at our high school graduating even though we were into together for ten months. I knew she was the one" Lucas smiled at the story he had heard a million times but couldn't get sick off. Pappy Joe closed the box and reached out of Lucas. Lucas held out his hand and pappy Joe placed the box in his hands. "When the moment comes, and you think, no, you know she's the one. I want you to give her this ring. And promise her you'll always be there for her. Whatever happens. Whether it is a bad grade or the birth of your child. Always stand by her." Lucas looked at the black box in his hands. "But pappy joe" the old man shushed his grandson. "I don't care who you give it to, isn't it Riley good, is it Riley even better. All I'm saying is give this ring to the woman who makes you happy. Who you know will do the same for you. Who you see a future with" Lucas smiled and nodded. "I will. Thanks pappy Joe" Lucas stood up to hug his grandfather. "Now you're not gonna let that girl get cold right?" Lucas chuckled and potted the ring box away. "Thank you" pappy Joe tipped his hat and Lucas walked back inside. Pappy Joe stared up at the sky. "He's glowing Anna, did you see that?"

A/N: do you think running away was a good think? Will their parents find them again? About Past & future I'll be starting it around Christmas cause I have exams starting on Monday. But this story will confuse wekkly since I have some spare chapters. I hope you liked it, let me know if you did!

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