Chapter 8

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Riley's feet were dangling in the water like always. The moon was shining on the water and the breeze blew Riley's hair back. In the background you could hear New York at night: police cars, traffic, some music from a far distance. And a car parking close by. She looked behind her and saw Lucas his black Range Rover. She pulled her feet out of the water and dried them off with her towel. She slipped in her flats and by the time she was standing up Lucas had reached her. "Hey" she said. "Hi" he answered. They in silence. "So...what did you need to see me for?" Riley asked to break the silence. "" he stuttered. "I just....I can't stop thinking about you" Riley's heart start beating faster with every word her said. Her palms started sweating and she looked down at them nervous. "Neither can I" she whispered. Lucas inched a little closer. "I just feel so attracted to you. Like I can't stay away from you. And I dont want to stay away from you" Lucas admitted. Riley looked up in his eyes that were pleading for an answer. "And I don't Care what my father says. You're not so bad. You're amazing" Lucas said. He took her hand. "What do you feel?" He asked. Riles looked at their locked hands. She felt her heart going wild. She noticed this little spark in his green eyes. It only made her new found feelings go wild even more. "I feel the same way" she admitted. Lucas smiled. "But you know no one will ever approve this. Not our parents, not our friends" Riley said shaking her head. Lucas shook her head. "I don't need their approval. I only need you" he whispered while caressing his thumb over her cheek. Riley let out a little giggle and Lucas leaned in. Riley stood on her toes and felt his lips brush against hers. Riley pressed them together. She moved her lips in sync with his. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist, pulling her closer. Riley felt the tingles in her stomach again. She smiled through the kiss and tangled her hands through his hair. He slightly lifted her so she could reach his hight. After a few minutes they broke apart, trying to catch their breaths. Riley smiled and layed her head on his chest. "So...what now?" She asked. Lucas sighed. "Well a public relationship is definitely not an option" Lucas said. Riley shook her  head. "My dad would kill me"
"So would mine, but I can't stand the thought of you not in my life. I know it's bin only a few weeks but we've got to know each other like never before" Lucas said. Riley nodded agreeing. "Yeah" they let go and sat down. "Let's start with this: we are a couple when we're alone. But we remain strangers around friends and family" Riley suggested. "That way no one can tell us what to do" Riley said. Lucas nodded. "Sounds good" He said. "So what if we meet up every night, at one of our spots" Lucas said. "Ok, but let's start with tonight" she said. She sat in between Lucas his legs and leaned against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her as they looked over the water.

Riley woke up by the sun peeking through her curtains. She yawned and rolled over. Another day of school. She heard her alarm go off and she shut it down. She stretched and then remembered the day before. She smiled and jumped up. She did her regular morning routine and joined her mother and brother at the breakfast table. "Goodmorning" she sang. She sat down and lured herself some orange juice. "Someone's happy" Auggie murmured. Riley smiled and passed the orange juice to her mother. "What makes you so happy riles?" Topanga asked. "Oh, nothing. I'm just having a feeling this will be a good day" Riley said cheerful while taking a bowl of cereal. Auggie and Topanga glanced at each other. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say someone likes another someone" Topanga said. Riley bursted out laughing. She felt sweat form on her head. Oh god this was gonna be harder then she thaught. She ate her breakfast while hum,in along with the radio. After breakfast she hopped in her car and drove to pick up Maya. "Good morning peaches!" Riley said. Threw her bag on the back seat. "Morning riles, it's Friday! You know what that means" Maya said. Riley nodded. "Yep no school, tomorrow and the day after!" Riley said while driving to school. "Well that and my date with Josh tonight" Maya said exited. Riley smiled. "Are you sure he sees it as a date?" Riley asked. Maya rubbed her hands. "Not yet" she said with a grin. Riley giggled and drove onto the school parking lot. She recognized the black Range Rover and again a a spot next to it. "There's a spot right there!" Maya said pointing to the other side of the parking lot. "Maya, this ones closer" Riley said parking her car next to the silver one. She saw that Lucas wasn't in it. Disappointment hit her and she stopped her car. "Oh thank god" Maya breathed relieved. Riley let out a soft chuckle and they go out of the car. "It's like they cleared everything from Lucas Friar and his friends" Maya said when they noticed none of his friends where there. Riley swung her bag over her shoulder and closed her car. "This feels so free!" Maya twirled around and Riley laughed. "Come on Maya, they're probably inside" Riley pulled her best friend along inside. "See" she pointed towards the group of guys. But Lucas was nowhere to be seen. Riley got a little worried. Was he sick, or did he run off. Was last night all a joke. "Hey genius! Where's your friend?" Maya yelled. Riley hit a hand in front of Maya's mouth. "Shut up" she muttered. "We don't know! He just took off!" Farkle yelled. Maya scoffed. "Nice friend" she mumbled. Riley rolled her eyes. "I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be right back" Maya said. Riley nodded and walked towards her locker. Right before she got to her locker the janitors closet door swung open and an arm pulled her in. Riley yelped but was immediately shut up by two lips being pressed against her. She soon realized that Lucas had pulled her in the janitors closet. She pulled away and he bit his lip. "What are doing?" She asked but couldn't help but smile. "I'm sorry I just couldn't wait to kiss you again" he said. He pulled her in for another kiss and she giggled through the kiss. "You're crazy Friar" she mumbled. "For you" he answered. Riley giggled again. The kisses started getting rougher and Riley dropped her bag to wrap her arms around his neck.
"Riley?!" Riley and Lucas immediately pulled away. "Riley?!" They heard again. "Shit it's Maya!" Riley whispered. "Just stay really quiet" Lucas whispered.

Maya looked around confused. Riley would never leave Maya like that. Something stinks here. "Hey Hadt?! Lost your friend as well?" Farkle asked. "Yeah, I have no idea where she could be" Maya said confused. "Hey who knows, maybe they're making out in the janitors closet." Farkle nudged her and then they both started laughing. "More like killing each other!" Maya said. "Anyway, good luck finding yours" Farkle said before leaving. "Maybe she's in class already" Maya said shaking her shoulders. She turned on her heels and walked to class.

Lucas and Riley sighed in relief. "That was close" Riley said. Lucas nodded. The bell rang and they heard students move.  "What class?" He asked. "Math, you?" Riley answered. "Chemistry" Riley nodded approving. "Great, I'll see you to guts at your spot ok?" Lucas nodded and Riley have him a quick peck before leaving. She left the janitors closet looking anyone saw. But most students already took off to class. Both with huge smiles plastered on their faces.

A/N: they're a couple! How are they gonna hide this? What if someone finds out? That's for you to wonder and me to know 😏

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