Chapter 2

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"So no summer romances Riley?" Amanda asked. "Don't you think she'd have tweeted about it?" Carly asked. Every girl laughed and Riley smiled awkward. "No, i think her father would kill her if she got a boyfriend" Maya said sipping from her drink. The cafeteria was filled with students, processing the first half of their day. The food was disgusting as always but Riley learned to appreciate it when she had to do cafeteria duty one time. The girls were gossiping when one question cached her her attention. "Riles, if Lucas wasn't a Friar, would you date him?" Kelly asked. Riley glanced over to the table where Lucas was seated. His friends where laughing over something he said. Some of them where sitting on the table and gotta glare from the cafeteria lady but completely ignored it. "I don't know, depends on how nice he is" she asked. "Trust me, he's isn't" Maya scoffed. Riley giggled and hugged her best friend. "See, this is my man protector. She goes off whenever a bad boy approaches me" everyone giggled and Riley hugged Maya tight.

"Man, Riley is hot" Lucas his friend Charlie said looking over to the girls table where they were all giggling. "I'm thinking of asking her out" Lucas looked up. "Riley? You're thinking of asking Riley out?" Lucas asked. "Yeah, it's not because you can't date her that I can't. I mean she's hot" Charlie said. "He's right" Zay pointed out. "But why would you date Riley Matthews? She's a brat" Farkle said. "So? She's hot!" All their friends laughed and nudged each other. "How many times are you gonna say that? I know she's hot" Lucas said dropping his fork. "Uh oh, make sure daddy doesn't hear you say that" Zay teased him. Lucas rolled his eyes and the bell rung. "I have art, so if you'll excuse me" Lucas stood up and threw the rest of his food in the trash. "See ya"

"I want you to draw passion this year. Being seniors might be your last chance to express your feelings on a canvas." The art teacher did some weird moves and Riley frowned. "So now, for your next project I want you to team up with the person on your side." Riley tensed. She was scared. She didn't want to look cause she knew who was on her left. She turned her head and opened her eyes. They met with two green ones. She quickly looked away again and burried her head in her arms. "I want you to take the person to a special place. One where you can come at peace and is very picturesque. Don't forget to pick up your camera when you leave" the art teacher said pickin up the professional cameras . "You'll be working with this person for the rest of the year. So this is a perfect assignement to get to know each other. Riley groaned and next to her she heard the same noise. She looked over to her other side and saw that Maya gave her an apologetic smile. The bell rang and Riley and Lucas walked over to the art teacher. "Ms. Tanner, you should understand that this will never work" Riley said motioning between her and Lucas. He nodded agreeing. Ms. Tanner smiled. "Sorry kids, you e bin assigned. But forget about your family's for a while. You might be thanking me for this some day" she smirked and turned to her board. Riley and Lucas glanced at each other. Riley grasped her bag of the table and walked out of the classroom. Lucas followed after her. She tried to avoid the talk and tried walking down to her locker. He hpgrapsed her wrist and held her back. "Look, I know is will be hard but I don't want to fail this class" Lucas said. Riley sighed and nodded. "Neither do I" she crossed her arms. "Good, now with who's place are we starting?" He asked. "Little hard, my safe place is my bay window." Riley said. Lucas bit his lip. "Yeah I'll never get there. But let's start with mine then" Riley nodded agreeing. People around the, gave them weird looks. They had never seen such a thing! Riley Mathews and Lucas Friar talking without arguing. "Come to the Empire State Building tonight around nine" Riley frowned. "Just do it" he said. She sighed. He handed her a little note. "Here, if you change your mind or have other plans" Riley opens the note and saw that it was his phone number. She looked around and saw the students staring. "Don't you have something better to do?" She snapped. They all looked away and walked on. Lucas chuckled. "See ya tonight Matthews" he walked passed her and Riley bit her lip. The note was glued to her hand. She read it again and then a small smile formed on her lips. Stop it Riley. She snapped out of it and walked towards her locker.

"Why were you talking with Lucas this afternoon?" Maya asked while Riley tried to find a book for a book report. " for the project, by the way how is it going with Farkle as your partner?" Riley asked. "Don't change the subject! It was the first time you and Lucas talked with actually getting along" Maya said not understanding. "Ms. Hart!" The librarian said. Riley rolled her eyes and followed Riley into another aisle. "Why is this such a big deal? We're just students talking about a project" Riley said shrugging her shoulders. Maya cocked an eyebrow. "I thought you'd fight it. Whine to the teacher until she assigns a different partner or give some money" Riley scoffed. "Ok, I'm not gonna buy a new partner" Riley said. "Why not? For a thousand bucks she might" Maya said. Riley chuckled. "You're insane Maya" Riley putted the book back and walked around the racks. "Maybe I am getting crazy, this Farkle kid is annoying me so bad." Riley laughed. "So we both have our worries" Maya nodded agreeing. "Ms. Matthews, ms. Hart. This is a library. Not a gossip magazine. If you have something to say , the hallway is a perfect place for chats during free hours" the librarian said annoyed. She walked away and Riley and Maya giggled.

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