Chapter 17

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It was early in the morning when Riley woke up. She looked beside her and saw that Lucas was still asleep. The sun hadn't gone up yet and the clock said 6.30 am. Riley went up and kissed Lucas his lips. A soft groan escaped and he opened his eyes. "Morning" he said yawning. Riley smiled. "Morning" she cuddled closer against him. " still can't get last night out of my head" she said. Lucas smiled. "Me neither." They locked their hands and played with their fingers. "So prom is coming up. What are we gonna do?" Riley asked. Lucas chuckled. "Babe, it's months away" Riley shook her shoulder. "I heard missy Bradford talking about it in the bathroom yesterday" she said. "Are you seriously thinking about something Missy Bradford said?" Lucas asked. Riley sighed and looked up at him. "I just don't feel like going if I can't go with you" she admitted. Lucas wrapped his arms around her. "I know, me neither" they cuddled for a little longer and then Riley got up. "I should go home. Maya starts her shift at seven thirty and my parents will worry where I am" Riley said turning on her clothes. "I'll take you home" Lucas offered turning on his clothes as well. "Fine by me but make sure they don't see you" Riley said. Lucas nodded and buttoned up his shirt. After they got dressed they went back down in the garage and Lucas drove Riley home.

When she walked into her living room she dropped her stuff on the couch and walked to the kitchen. There she took out an apple and some orange juice. With the apple in her mouth she poured herself a glass of orange juice. "FAMILY MEETING!" Cory's yell filled the room and Riley scaring caused her to spill her orange juice all over the kitchen counter. Her dad walked into the kitchen. "Family meeting in the living room right now!" He said before leaving again. Riley growled and cleaned up the mess she made. With her apple in her left hand and her glass of orange juice in her other she made her way to the living room where her mom and brother were sitting down on the couch and her dad with a white board. "Oh no, not this again" Riley said annoyed. She sat down next to her mother who shook her shoulders and turned to her husband. "Ok! The annual technology convention is next weekend." Cory said turning the board around. He had written numbers and wrote names. It was like a messy schedule. "This year Matthews international is coming clear with a tablet that is as well a laptop. But also the new Mphone with features like 3D camera and screen." Cory said pacing around. "I want everyone present when the day comes. definitely for the showcase and sale debate" Riley rolled her eyes and took another sip from her drink. "Last year the Friars won" Cory snorted. "The jerks" Riley felt the urge to yell that Lucas wasn't a jerk but kept calm. "Honey, the year before you won" Topanga claimed Cory. "But the year before the Friars won again" Auggie added. "But the the year before that you won. It's a constant switch" Riley finished. "That means this year you'll win" Topanga assured him. Cory shook his head. "It's not that simple" Cory said raising his hand. "I want everyone to prepare. And be ready to defeat those Friars!" He said raising his fist in the air. Riley putted her glass on the table. "Dad, do I have to go?" She asked. Her father's eyes widened and started twitching. "Riley honey, be careful. Back away slowly and show no signs of fear!" Topanga slowly whispered. Riley backed away and Topanga pulled her on the spot next to her. "Are you nuts?!" Cory suddenly yelled. "Of course you're going?! You think Emily Friar won't be there? Or Lucas?" Cory asked. Riley shook her head. "You're going! Everyone's going!" He swung his arms around. Riley nodded scared.

After the entire lesson about what to tell at the technology convention she was able to slip to her room where she took her phone and saw if she got any texts.

Peaches 🍑😄
I want to know how it went! Call me later❗️

Lucas 😍💞
Hope you aren't sore, had a great time last night.

Riley smiled and texted Maya first. She replied that she'd call her later that day. Then she texted Lucas that she felt a little sore but that it wasn't bothering her. After she texted back she took out her laptop and finished some homework she didn't get to the night before.

Lucas received the text and smiled. He was happy she didn't mind and that she had a great time as well. His parents were home by now and so was his sister. Riley told him about the technology meeting and he was expecting one as well soon. A knock on his door interrupted his thoughts and his sister peeked her head through. "Hey little bro. Do you still have that book you borrowed?" Emily asked. Lucas pointed at his nightstand and enjoy made her way there. He kept on texting Riley while his sister took the book it of his nightstand. When she took the book out a few things dropped like a pen, some headache pills and....condoms? Emily picked the full box up and saw it was ripped open. Meaning. It was already used. "Lucas" Lucas hummed a response. "Why are there condoms in your nightstand?" Emily asked. Lucas dropped his phone and jumped off his bed. He tore the package out of her hands. "That's none of your bussines" he snapped quickly putting the box back. "Did you have sex with her?!" Emily asked. Lucas sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "So what if I did? We were both ready, we love each other! We're teens Em, it was gonna happen sometime" Lucas said. Emily crossed her arms. "Don't you think it's bad enough that you're hiding from mom and dad but now you're also sleeping with her?!" Emily asked. Lucas walked over to his door. "Look, we're gonna tell them eventually when they'll understand.but definitely not now the technology convention is coming up" Lucas said opening his door. "Where are you going?" Emily asked. "Out" he said before slamming the door closed.

A/N: a small filler chapter, preparing for what's to come. Latently I've had so much inspiration for this book! I've bin writing so much I also think forgot it was time to update! I hope you like the chapter. For those who are wondering. The new story will be up in a few weeks. I'm gonna wait a little longer but it's pretty clear which one won.
Ly bye!

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